Well, I'm the proud new owner of a supressor-ready P09 9mm that I put on order on the historic day of 1/20. Snowy and nasty here, so I haven't had a chance to run any rounds thru it yet, but I did make an interesting observation that I haven't heard anyone talk about. With a loaded mag inserted and the slide locked back, this has to have the best feed geometry of any semi-auto I've ever seen. On most guns, the round in the mag is pointed right at the middle of the feed ramp. On this gun, the round is actually lined up right with the chamber.....with the top 2/3rds of the round aimed right at the chamber. Has anyone else noticed this?
The gun is so tight that there is zero movement anywhere.....I can't get any wiggle out of the barrel or out of the slide to frame fit.....and just for giggles, I tried hand cycling some rounds to see what it acts like. I can't slow the slide down to the point where it won't feed. Even riding the slide and moving it at a snail's pace the entire way, it still feeds every single time and goes completely into battery. I've never seen a semi-auto that would do that.
Hopefully the weather will clear and I can run some rounds thru it in the next few days.