oil. Oil on moving parts greatly reduces wear. Good oil and keeping it clean reduces wear even further.
Not a gun, but my IROC has 186,000 miles on the engine. Hard miles (I like to go fast). Oil/filter changes every 3,000 miles. My old F150 had 251,000 on it when I (mistakenly) traded it off.
Oil. Keep it clean and lubed and wear is something you won't have to worry about.
I will say that (with cars anyway - and guns are probably the same) you need to install the part and then leave it mated to the other parts. If you change parts back and forth wear can be accelerated. The moving parts will "wear" into each other and then virtually stop losing material to wear - as long as the parts are left together. Taking a part out and replacing it with another one will accelerate wear on the parts.
I might "need" to get one for my new P01. But maybe the darker ones would look better in that urban gray slide.