Author Topic: Forum Christmas Giveaway - Pistol Decision... with a Twist  (Read 4985 times)

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Re: Forum Christmas Giveaway - Pistol Decision... with a Twist
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2017, 12:24:53 AM »
Very very cool. Thank you.
Re the case and gunbag sizes.  You might? be able to put the "set up" pistol in a standard  75 gun box if you prefer putting the  whole box in your gun bag.....I do.

Can't wait to hear how it shoots.🅰🔫

Offline tdogg

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Re: Forum Christmas Giveaway - Pistol Decision... with a Twist
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2017, 01:12:21 AM »
So my son wasn't feeling well yesterday and I was forced to stay home with him.  So obviously I took him out with me to go shoot the TSO for the first time.  It was actually a nice day out, no wind, and sunny but still chilly (~40F).  My local range is closed due to road conditions so I went north of town and pulled off the road and setup for shooting.  My main reason for shooting was to shoot my load development rounds hence the chrono and bench.  I didn't have much time as the little one wasn't up for it and probably shouldn't have been out in the elements but he was a trooper.

I have mixed feelings about the gas pedal.  If feels funky.  Everything on the left side of the gun feels crowded.  I wish I could move the gas pedal forward about 1/4 inch.  I may pull the slide stop lever and install the slide stop pin to see how it feels without the lever.  I also think I am going to have to get the larger CZ Custom safety.  I think it will force my strong hand thumb into the right position.  This is my first safety gun and first SAO gun.  I am going to have to retrain my brain to flick off the safety!

My first group sucked!  I did have better success with my reloads but unfortunately I forgot to turn the camera back on!  I should also say that I suck shooting off a bench.  I don't know what it is but having any part of the gun/arms rested just doesn't work for me.

I've got plenty to work on at the moment.  First things first I need to find a holster and potentially a complete rig for this gun.  Then I need to shoot it a ton!  But alas it is snowing again!  We're supposed to get 3 ft by Tuesday and maybe more next week.  I don't think my range will be open for a while.


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Offline Tok36

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Re: Forum Christmas Giveaway - Pistol Decision... with a Twist
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2017, 02:30:42 PM »
Thank you for the vid. Nice brass catcher. How did you like the stock trigger? The stock trigger of my TS caught me off guard at around 2lb.
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline tdogg

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Re: Forum Christmas Giveaway - Pistol Decision... with a Twist
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2017, 06:56:41 PM »
I wasn't that surprised as my SP01 and 97BD have pretty light triggers.  It does have a very short trigger pull and reset.  I didn't tweak anything prior to shooting it, I just cleaned and lubed it as I normally do.  I haven't measured mine yet but it feels about 2lb.

I have an email in to CZ USA to determine what the extra springs are that come with the Orange.  They don't have any documentation as to what is in the gun and what comes in the case as spares.  It is apparent that the recoil spring is going to need to be heavier but I don't know by how much.  I also want to know what main springs are included.  I would like to increase the trigger pull weight to about 2.5-3 lb if possible.

Since the outing I have adjusted the pre and overtravel screws to tighten up the trigger further.  We'll see how it feels the next time out.

My brass catcher is a Wally World fishing net that I epoxied a barrel nut into handle that fits a tripod mount screw (don't remember the thread pitch).  It has small enough holes to catch the brass and I can tweak the height and angle on the tripod/head.  The only thing it needs is a something to hold open the net so the brass doesn't bounce off.  It helps if the wind is blowing into the net.

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Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Forum Christmas Giveaway - Pistol Decision... with a Twist
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2017, 07:47:53 PM »
I laughed when you stopped to pick up that first ejected case. It's good to know I'm not the only one.  :P I have that same range bag too. Bought it in a pinch and it's worked out extremely well for the price.

Offline tdogg

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Re: Forum Christmas Giveaway - Pistol Decision... with a Twist
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2017, 09:14:15 PM »
Well I haven't had a need to reload 40 in volume and don't have that much brass!  In my experience they will disappear in snow and you lose them!  Plus those were my first shots with the gun.  I needed to inspect the case!

Actually it's my OCD, I feel like I need to come home with all my brass and I failed if I didn't.  It's a problem and I should probably see a specialist :).

The bag is great, holds too much, sturdy, and the price was right.


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Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Forum Christmas Giveaway - Pistol Decision... with a Twist
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2017, 09:35:11 PM »
Admitting the problem is the first step. ;-)
I was warned early on about the dangers of becoming a brass rat. Sure enough, I've been sucked in. Usually I come home with more than I shoot. Congrats on acquiring a very nice CZ btw.