So honestly what has your opinion of plastic guns got to do with anything here? Reality is prices on EVERYTHING are up and have been going up and will continue to go up. I'm old enough to remeber .30 cent a gallon gasoline and new cars that cost less than the sales tax on a vehicle today.
Because he has to find a way to make this a colt problem and to make it more dramatic he then added the "plastic guns" comment.
And you are right that it's not just CZ that has went up in price. It's in plain view for all to see the price increases across the board in not only guns but everything. So idk if he is just dead set on complaining or trolling.
From a business standpoint, cheapo, plastic, striker-fired self defense pistols are a lot more profitable than finely crafted alloy frame DA / SA pistols. But they’re garbage, obviously. For some reason CZ is pushing the plastique guns, by making them optics ready, but not the alloy DA / SA pistols that CZ (along with Sig and Beretta) established their names with. That’s stupid of CZ in particular, because there are no OR options for alloy pistols.
Even with the P-07 / P-09, it’s nice that they have DA / SA triggers, but they don’t do anything as well or better than the CZ75s, except that you have to go through the trouble and cost of getting your CZ75 machined for optics yourself, and handgun optics are THE big leap forward in pistol technology. At least Sig and Beretta give their customers the option of getting OR P220s and 92s. It costs money, but it’s worth it.
If Colt-cz was smart, coming into the industry-wide Trump Slump, they’d keep their base model CZ75s at their previous MSRP, but also offer them with an OR option for a couple hundred bucks. They’d sell a ton of them. And they can continue to sell the cheap plastique to those that want them.