Hi guys, first post on here. glad I finally came on the forum as there is many knowledgeable people on here! so around 6 months ago I picked up a p-06 (.40cal obviously). I've taken it to the range a few times and I noticed every time I shot it, it would hurt my finger. However I never really thought too much of it until today, I shot 100 rounds through it and I would have been more than happy to be done after 10 rounds! It was absolutely KILLING my finger almost making the tip go numb. the pull of the trigger is completely smooth but after the shot it gives like a terrible vibration / slapping feeling making it extremely uncomfortable. I had also shot a p01 and numerous other firearms and had no problems with them. Has anyone else had similar issues? Does anyone what I can do to fix this problem? It's a great gun but with this issue its unbearable to shoot, and its effecting my accuracy as well. Any input would be greatly appreciated. thank you
If your passionate about keeping the P-06 I would suggest trying a Reach Reduction Kit (RRK) from CGW. I know my number of posts say "newbie" but I belonged to this forum a while back and just migrated back because I missed chatting with folks about CZ's. That said I have extensive smithing experience on CZ's....the reason for suggesting the RRK is the trigger is
fully adjustable, meaning you can get a much more customizable (to you specifically) trigger position for your finger. The factory re-curve trigger is horrible.......the 85 "old style" or 85C are better but still not a one size fits all fix......I've experienced the "numb" finger tip in the past, its pretty much always a trigger contour issue in conjuction with the energy of the round being distributed through the firearm.....I really think the RRK is your best chance of mitigating/nearly eliminating the felt discomfort. Hope this helps........best of luck!
https://cajungunworks.com/product/reach-reduction-kit/ .......this one specifically.....they make some that only work with the Short Reset Triggers, those you don't want.