Author Topic: New CZ and restart on reloading  (Read 2371 times)

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Offline Dry Fork

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New CZ and restart on reloading
« on: March 07, 2017, 12:56:58 PM »
I have 3 CZ that need feeding and am getting back into reloading. I plan to get loaded ammo and using the brass form that and load for practice/target and use store bought for Defense.  With ammo from the US, Korea, Philippines, Serbia, Italy, etc, is there any to stay away from or recommended. This would be for the initial shooting and then reloading. I would use lead 115-125 gr bullets at a reasonable velocity,  Thank you for your advice in advance.

Offline baldrage

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2017, 01:05:10 PM »
Blazer Brass, Federal Brass, Winchester, PMC, Remington have all worked well for me as a newb reloader (closing in on 3,000 reloads).

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2017, 03:25:01 PM »
I've had great luck with Geco ammo,  and the brass.
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but not the ability.

Offline Boris_LA

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2017, 03:43:11 PM »
I've had great luck with Geco ammo,  and the brass.
Agree. Also Prvi and Pobjeda are inexpensive rounds to start and very good brass to reload.

Offline Bret

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2017, 04:49:58 PM »
S&B tends to have primer pockets that are tighter than typical. 

I personally buy ammo by the case.  Then I keep it sorted by manufacturer/lot as I shoot through the case.  Then when you go to reload, all you're cases will match.  Some say that keeping cases sorted doesn't matter.  I say that's it's got to matter, but I'm just not that good of a shot.  I am anal retentive though, so having all of my case headstamps match makes me feel good.  It speaks to the quality of the product and takes almost no effort to keep the cases sorted, so why not?

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2017, 08:06:20 PM »
All of the major brands I have used seem to reload fine, the only thing I avoid is NATO ammo, I am too lazy to ream the primer pockets.
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Offline Wobbly

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2017, 09:51:33 PM »
Cases with a stepped interior and nickel plated brass don't seem to last as long, but for the most part all brass with a Boxer primer are reloadable. Normal or typical everyday brass should get you ~25 reloads per case with target grade (minor PF) loads.

If you already own the reloading equipment, then why not simply buy 1000 once-fired range brass and start reloading ? Why waste money on ammo that doesn't perform just to get the brass ? That really doesn't make sense to me.

Just my 2 cents.  ;)
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Offline M1A4ME

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2017, 07:42:33 AM »
A quick search for once fired 9MM brass turned up several (lots) of places selling it.

Here's one (with what looks like pretty good prices to me.)  You can order anywhere from 500 to 24.000 pieces.

Another one.  This one seems more expensive.

I don't think I've ever ordered from either of these places but if you do, be sure to check out the options for shipping costs, cleaning/polishing of the brass, etc. if you think the cost is worth it.

I bought some .308 brass awhile back that was supposed to have been cleaned/polished before they shipped it to me.  That service was free if you bought enough brass.  All I can say is their brass cleaning system was broke or the brass didn't spend much time in it before they boxed it up and shipped it to me. 

Good luck with it.  Lot's of guys here load 9MM and you'll get lots of advice/experience on bullets, primers, powder, etc.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Wobbly

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2017, 02:52:12 PM »
Without knowing your intended use, here's where I'd start...

? Win 231 (aka Hodgdon HP-38) or Win WSF powder  (all 3 are common with lots of load data)
? 500 Berry 124gr Hollow Base RN bullets
? Winchester WSP small pistol primers

There's not going to be anything hard to find or extravagantly expensive about these components. The ammo will be easy and fun to assemble, and you'll have a very wide load range so you can make "powder puff" loads or some fairly hot competition loads.

It's not going to be the last word in accuracy or the hottest ticket in town, but it will allow you to load in safety while you refine your reloading process and learn about your reloading press. By the time you finish shooting those you'll know more about what you like and don't like, and you'll have the skills necessary to load almost anything you want.

Hope this helps.   ;)
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Offline Dry Fork

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2017, 01:03:25 AM »
Thanks for all the good advice, I have been reading this section for several months and I gained good knowledge from all'yal  (all of you)

Offline copemech

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2017, 01:55:33 AM »
Without knowing your intended use, here's where I'd start...

? Win 231 (aka Hodgdon HP-38) or Win WSF powder  (all 3 are common with lots of load data)
? 500 Berry 124gr Hollow Base RN bullets
? Winchester WSP small pistol primers

There's not going to be anything hard to find or extravagantly expensive about these components. The ammo will be easy and fun to assemble, and you'll have a very wide load range so you can make "powder puff" loads or some fairly hot competition loads.

It's not going to be the last word in accuracy or the hottest ticket in town, but it will allow you to load in safety while you refine your reloading process and learn about your reloading press. By the time you finish shooting those you'll know more about what you like and don't like, and you'll have the skills necessary to load almost anything you want.

Hope this helps.   ;)

Take that info right there and apply it to more expensive bullets and play with the loadings a bit and you have match grade ammo, not that you need it for practice or plinking.

Offline Wobbly

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Re: New CZ and restart on reloading
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2017, 07:13:57 AM »
In fact, I shot IPSC matches for nearly a year with that exact component combination. It's nothing to sneeze at.

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