Short history on why I came up with this "question".....I used to really be a fan of the Compacts, I've owned every one in fact, but as time went on I found I preferred the fit (in the hand) and shoot-ability of the Full-Size. I eventually did some advanced calculations
just to see how much difference there actually was between them, since in my own mind (a truly scary place
) I really didn't see much here are the numbers comparing two of the three:
Height Length
Full Size 8.1" 5.4"
Compact 7.24" 5.03"
% Difference 6.8% 10.6% (Compact is 8.75% smaller)
The weights can make a bigger difference......if CZ ever manufactured a Full-Size w/alloy frame I'm thinking there would be less demand for the Compact.
Full Size (steel) Compact (steel) Compact (alloy) % Difference
Ounces 35.2 32.8 6.9%
35.2 27.5 21.9%