Gentlemen, bring it down a notch or three. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, otherwise we wouldn't have the incredible diversity of sidearms for us to carry, even with looking at just one manufacturer like CZ! I carried the P-01 for years, never bothered me. I have carried the PCR, same thing. I have carried Glock 17 and 19, and they bugged me to no end, but that wasn't the pistol - it was that cheap Fobus holster they made us use, gah!
My experience with my P-01 was the more I shot it, the better the trigger was. I had a gunsmith accuse me of getting the trigger worked on, but it was just plenty of shooting.

I find carryability to me is far more based on the holster and belt than anything else, and I say that as my two carry pistols nowadays are my SP-01 Phantom and my P-09, both Cajunized. Using High Noon Rock Steady gun belt and Down Under IWB, (for the Phantom), or for the P-09 I may use a Close Encounter IWB or a wonderful bison Hide Slide Guard OWb rig, and no issues whatsoever. Both guns are light enough that they carry well in good rigs.
Having said all that I am VERY interested in learning how well the P-10C carries...