Author Topic: P-01 vs. G19 size comparison  (Read 31665 times)

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Offline Asmodeus

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Re: P-01 vs. G19 size comparison
« Reply #30 on: April 06, 2017, 08:42:20 PM »

And again, if you're happy, that's fine. 

And all of this is just your opinion and your own personal experience. Others have different opinions and experiences and not all of us need to spend hundreds of dollars to get a decent trigger. I'll take the DA/SA style trigger any day. I practice and I'm proficient with it. I've handled many glocks including the 19 and 17 and they feel about as un-natural as can be so now there I'd be spending all that money to get a grip reduction/reconfiguration just to make the glock a decent gun for me when the CZ already fits the bill.
See how this works? Just because something works better for you does not mean it works for everyone else or that we should just go with it because some one else said it's "the way".

You clearly missed this ^.   

If you compared the factory P-01 (non-omega) trigger both in pull weight, creep, and feel, to, well, nearly anything in it's price range, I don't think you would find many people putting it at the top of the pile.  So while the topic itself is subjective, I think there is plenty of facts to support what I'm saying.  At no point did I tell you not to like it.  But I also know what a good trigger feels like... both in a CZ, against a stock one.  As well as in many other pistols... which again, was part of my point.  That's all.  I have trigger work done in almost every firearm I own or have built.  But rock and roll bud.  Whatever works for you. 


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Re: P-01 vs. G19 size comparison
« Reply #31 on: April 06, 2017, 11:20:20 PM »

And again, if you're happy, that's fine. 

And all of this is just your opinion and your own personal experience. Others have different opinions and experiences and not all of us need to spend hundreds of dollars to get a decent trigger. I'll take the DA/SA style trigger any day. I practice and I'm proficient with it. I've handled many glocks including the 19 and 17 and they feel about as un-natural as can be so now there I'd be spending all that money to get a grip reduction/reconfiguration just to make the glock a decent gun for me when the CZ already fits the bill.
See how this works? Just because something works better for you does not mean it works for everyone else or that we should just go with it because some one else said it's "the way".

You clearly missed this ^.   

If you compared the factory P-01 (non-omega) trigger both in pull weight, creep, and feel, to, well, nearly anything in it's price range, I don't think you would find many people putting it at the top of the pile.  So while the topic itself is subjective, I think there is plenty of facts to support what I'm saying.  At no point did I tell you not to like it.  But I also know what a good trigger feels like... both in a CZ, against a stock one.  As well as in many other pistols... which again, was part of my point.  That's all.  I have trigger work done in almost every firearm I own or have built.  But rock and roll bud.  Whatever works for you.

I didn't miss anything. I get it. You love your glock and it's trigger. I don't like glocks or anything striker fired. This is a BS comparison to start with comparing two totally different firearm designs with each other. A proper comparison would be glock vs m&p or springfield armory or something along those lines and then the CZ vs Beretta or Sig or the old DA/SA S&W 3rd gen guns.
Anyway You'll do as you do and I'll do as I will. Bud.

Offline justifiablyfit

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Re: P-01 vs. G19 size comparison
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2017, 05:32:32 AM »

And again, if you're happy, that's fine. 

And all of this is just your opinion and your own personal experience. Others have different opinions and experiences and not all of us need to spend hundreds of dollars to get a decent trigger. I'll take the DA/SA style trigger any day. I practice and I'm proficient with it. I've handled many glocks including the 19 and 17 and they feel about as un-natural as can be so now there I'd be spending all that money to get a grip reduction/reconfiguration just to make the glock a decent gun for me when the CZ already fits the bill.
See how this works? Just because something works better for you does not mean it works for everyone else or that we should just go with it because some one else said it's "the way".

You clearly missed this ^.   

If you compared the factory P-01 (non-omega) trigger both in pull weight, creep, and feel, to, well, nearly anything in it's price range, I don't think you would find many people putting it at the top of the pile.  So while the topic itself is subjective, I think there is plenty of facts to support what I'm saying.  At no point did I tell you not to like it.  But I also know what a good trigger feels like... both in a CZ, against a stock one.  As well as in many other pistols... which again, was part of my point.  That's all.  I have trigger work done in almost every firearm I own or have built.  But rock and roll bud.  Whatever works for you.

I didn't miss anything. I get it. You love your glock and it's trigger. I don't like glocks or anything striker fired. This is a BS comparison to start with comparing two totally different firearm designs with each other. A proper comparison would be glock vs m&p or springfield armory or something along those lines and then the CZ vs Beretta or Sig or the old DA/SA S&W 3rd gen guns.
Anyway You'll do as you do and I'll do as I will. Bud.
Well said Bud! I agree with you, as I only prefer DA/SA guns so comparing it with a glock is pointless. 

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Offline armoredman

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Re: P-01 vs. G19 size comparison
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2017, 06:50:51 AM »
Gentlemen, bring it down a notch or three. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, otherwise we wouldn't have the incredible diversity of sidearms for us to carry, even with looking at just one manufacturer like CZ! I carried the P-01 for years, never bothered me. I have carried the PCR, same thing. I have carried Glock 17 and 19, and they bugged me to no end, but that wasn't the pistol - it was that cheap Fobus holster they made us use, gah!
My experience with my P-01 was the more I shot it, the better the trigger was. I had a gunsmith accuse me of getting the trigger worked on, but it was just plenty of shooting. :) I find carryability to me is far more based on the holster and belt than anything else, and I say that as my two carry pistols nowadays are my SP-01 Phantom and my P-09, both Cajunized. Using High Noon Rock Steady gun belt and Down Under IWB, (for the Phantom), or for the P-09 I may use a Close Encounter IWB or a wonderful bison Hide Slide Guard OWb rig, and no issues whatsoever. Both guns are light enough that they carry well in good rigs.
Having said all that I am VERY interested in learning how well the P-10C carries...:)

Offline Asmodeus

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Re: P-01 vs. G19 size comparison
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2017, 01:50:54 PM »
I figured since I have quite a few of both, and have worked on both.  I'd add some input.  My intention wasn't to ruffle feathers, it was to point out what I've learned owning, and liking, both.  I realize that is so polarizing on the internet where we must all herd ourselves into one camp or another and mount bayonets.  My point was to illustrate both the stock pistols, and how they stack up after the aftermarket starts to get a hold of them.  That's all.  *shrugs*

Offline eastman

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Re: P-01 vs. G19 size comparison
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2017, 10:06:06 PM »
I figured since I have quite a few of both, and have worked on both.  I'd add some input.  My intention wasn't to ruffle feathers, it was to point out what I've learned owning, and liking, both.  I realize that is so polarizing on the internet where we must all herd ourselves into one camp or another and mount bayonets.  My point was to illustrate both the stock pistols, and how they stack up after the aftermarket starts to get a hold of them.  That's all.  *shrugs*

"mount bayonets"

Do they fit on the Pic Rail?

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Offline rifmon

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Re: P-01 vs. G19 size comparison
« Reply #36 on: April 15, 2017, 09:22:02 AM »
I really appreciate this topic and comparison. I scanned through the responses and it appears to have drifted a little into shoot-ability and triggers but the OP was sharing the size comparisons. The operations of the two pistols was not the intended comparison.

I have a 75B and often carry it AIWB with a High Noon Holster and nothing pokes me and the weight, in that position, is a non-issue. I mostly carry my 2022 and am currently considering selling it and getting either a P-01 or a P-07 to replace it so this topic is now bookmarked!. I shoot my 75B better than my 2022 so I am beginning to think that another CZ pistol may serve me better for warmer weather carry than my 2022.

I was out at my range the other day with a friend and my son and we all liked the75B most out of 4 other pistols.

Offline milq

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Re: P-01 vs. G19 size comparison
« Reply #37 on: April 15, 2017, 11:10:51 AM »

"mount bayonets"

Do they fit on the Pic Rail?


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Offline eastman

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Re: P-01 vs. G19 size comparison
« Reply #38 on: April 15, 2017, 10:50:57 PM »

"mount bayonets"

Do they fit on the Pic Rail?


Where else?

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