Got it today and put 50 rounds each of Sig 115gr FMJ and S&B 124gr FMJ through it.
Initial impressions...
With the medium back-strap, it feels like it was made for my hand (Well... I would like just a bit more palm swell, but the trusty ol' inner tube grip enhancement helps round it out just-right). On presentation from holster, the sights naturally aligned, with no adjustment needed with my natural grip, and my support hand palm and thumb immediately finding their sweet spots, as well. I will say that I am not a fan of their method of changing them, as the pin is quite long, incredibly small in diameter, and has teeth along one edge. Thankfully, this was a "one, and done" task for me, but I think CZ would have done most of us a favor if they'd shipped with the medium installed, rather than the small.
Gun is nicely balanced both empty and with a full mag. Slide is solid, with sufficient serrations front and rear. Frame has a nice, solid feel... nearly as rigid as the M2.0 M&P, with no "flimsy" feel like I get from a Glock or FNS.
Trigger take-up is nice, with just a touch if grit, but nothing that needs polishing for me. Break and reset feel good out of the box (sorry, I don't have a gauge). Trigger itself has a dingus, which (as expected) I found unpleasant, which was improved (but not eliminated) by lightly filing to match the rigger profile. The crowned profile leads me to think it was designed for/by first-joint trigger-pullers, rather than pad-pullers (which I am).
Accuracy was excellent, shooting POA=POI at 10 yards with the Sig ammo. The sights are nice, although my eyes always struggle with three-dots, and I do better with a red-orange front and black rear (e.g. Trijicon HD). That said, by the last mag of the softer-shooting S&B, shifting to my left eye, and using the first joint on the trigger, I managed to keep most shots in a 1.5" cluster, albeit low/left of the circle.
Regarding recoil, I thought it was a fairly soft shooter, and while I know there was muzzle rise, I really didn't notice it, and the sights settled nicely back on-target each time. As always, the Sig ammo was a bit snappier, but wasn't brutal at all in this gun ( as I find it it some other polymer guns).
The slide does auto-forward with a full magazine, and doesn't require excessive force to do so. Both in dry runs and when shooting, it reliably chambered a round every time. I don't think whether that is a "great feature" or "terrible flaw" needs to be debated again here; I only mention it in case it matters, one way or the other, to anyone considering the P-10C.
Although the slide stop levers are large, not once did the slide fail to lock back for me on an empty mag. Mine is very stiff when using to release the slide, as others have noted. I'm sure it will loosen with usage. Speaking of this, I have never seen a slide stop engagement like this. While the little tab over the magazine is on-par with everyone else, the actual engagement surface is huge.
I have read several reports of the magazine release being stiff. Mine is with a full mag, but works flawlessly with an empty one. The little "finger" inside looks easy enough to get to for polishing, if desired, or to put a dab of grease on.
Out-of-the-box reliability? In the first 100 rounds of factory ammo, zero failures to fire, zero failures to eject.
Regarding holster compatibility, the P-10C slide is too large to fit in my Safariland 6280-83 duty rig, or Fobus paddle; both for Glock 17/22. Thankfully, I already had two holsters from Red Hill Tactical made for this gun a while back, so I am not without for range and concealed carry.
In case anyone is interested, I also found that the Streamlight TLR contour remote switch for Glock does not fit, as the distance from the front of the trigger guard to the front of the grip is 3/8" longer on the P-10C than the Glock. I had gotten it hoping I could use it with the CZ, but it's not a big deal, as I have since decided to adopt the Inforce APL-C, and will be transitioning to it exclusively by year-end.
Overall, I am pleased with the pistol on my initial outing. Having read some reports of issues some had with the P-10C, along with my own experiences this year with the M&P M2.0 (liked some things, but generally underwhelmed) and APX (quite disappointed), I didn't know what to expect. Perhaps this worked favorably to the little CZ, as by me lowering my expectations, it helped them be exceeded. Yes, I wish the trigger shape/surface didn't give me "angry finger", but I expect the aftermarket will address that (I have to admit, Sig really spoiled me with the "regular" metal trigger on a striker-fired pistol). Besides that, I
may consider shaving down some of the underside of the slide overhang, and will certainly fit it with Trijicon HD XR sights, when/if produced. Otherwise, I'm not seeing a lot I think "needs" to be different. If that does't change over the next 400 rounds, it would be a "first" for me.
**Update 5/24** Went out today with one box each of Blazer Brass 115gr FMJ and American Eagle 147gr FMJ; no difference in accuracy or reliability with these loads. I did stop at 50 rounds, as my trigger finger is starting to blister. I am also noticing that the frame material under the rear of the slide is digging into my hand, causing soreness at the base of my thumb. I am hoping that CZ or the aftermarket develops a trigger that isn't graduated/serrated (much like full size Glock triggers don't have the "steps" like the compacts), as I feel that I have done everything with the factory trigger that can be done. I will also explore what reshaping I need to do to the rear of the frame. Once those two things are addressed, I will continue my quest of putting at least 1,000 rounds through it without cleaning, to see how dirty it can get without affecting reliability.
I also blacked-out the rear dots and found it helped me find and align the front sight more quickly.
Oh yeah, obligatory "first five rounds" pic... 10 yards, off-hand, Sig 115gr FMJ.
Since the last time out with it, I have worked a little more on the profile of the tip of the trigger,
slightly taken some of the edges off the dingus, put the small backstrap on and filed roughly 1/32" of frame material from the underside of the frame, below the slide overhang.
It shot 50 flawless rounds;finishing the boxes of Blazer Brass and Federal AE from the last trip. It definitely felt like the change to the small backstrap improved the angle of my trigger finger, which in addition to the judicious filing reduced the trigger bite/pinch a good bit. If CZ or the aftermarket comes up with a flatter trigger surface, preferably without serrations, it would be golden! In the meantime, I'm going to take a bit more material off the "beavertail" area, to see how close I can match the contour of an M&P. Since I lack skills and proper tools, that will be a slow, cautious project, but I think it will do the trick.
On a side note, I didn't replace the bike tube on the grip before shooting again. I didn't find the texture to be a problem for me, but I was surprised to see the difference in felt recoil (more noticeable, but still not terrible). I'm amazed at how much a thin, stretched rubber sleeve seems to soften perceived recoil.