Well . . . after actually firing my P10C yesterday, the hard truth is that the P10C doesn't match up to the hype. Mine at least doesn't. Hickock says at the start of his video that he would have preferred to wait to review the P10C until after some water had gone under the bridge and initial kinks worked out. So do I. I've got the same problem that he did with the impossibly stiff slide release, which is really frustrating, and now wish that I had followed my original game plan and waited a year before buying.
Don't get me wrong, the P10C is not a bad pistol and instead is very solid; it is a very good pistol. But the bestest pistol ever the P10C is not -- IMHO, it's not even in the same league as the CZ75 in all its variants. I wouldn't even think of trading any of my other CZs for a P10C, as that would clearly be trading down.
So, Hickock may just be being more honest now than we wanted to believe back in December.