Author Topic: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?  (Read 4877 times)

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Offline Claymore504

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Re: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2022, 10:36:42 AM »

Very cool. Thank you for serving your community for sure! While I am not LEO, I am in the TX Army National Guard. A few years back the TAG authorized us to carry concealed on duty due to a rise in attacks on military back then. I have been carrying a CZ P07 since. Just FYI, if you send an email and photo to the CZ-USA LE/MIL department they will send you some cool swag and put your photo under the User Submissions section on the web page. Mine is the ODG P07 on there.

They sent me a very nice coin and some decals:

« Last Edit: February 23, 2022, 01:33:28 PM by Claymore504 »

Offline dbarn

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Re: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2022, 11:17:51 AM »
Awesome! Thank you sir for your service as well! I truly believe the excellence of CZ is highly underrated in the Mil/Leo community. Hoping that changes in the very near future and the excellence of these pistols as service weapons is given their due as they are in Europe. Thank you also for the link to CZ-USA. I’ll definitely send a photo. Best regards.

Offline bang bang

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Re: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2022, 02:04:15 PM »
Just curious as to what made you folks pick a certain SP-01 over all the others. Did you like certain controls better, do you compete, etc.?

There are many ways to look at your life/world and so forth.

some people wear blinders when it comes to choices and some need an act of god to get them to move...and even then, some wont budge..

I choose not to.

So i look at WHEN, not IF.

if not, then i may spin my wheels like you maybe doing trying to figure out what the "best" this or that to buy...

I just get one and work my way down the list... again, WHEN, not IF.

good luck

Offline darwin@RTGparts

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Re: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2022, 12:32:00 PM »
I'm a de-cocker guy myself, so all of my CZ's are de-cocker versions. I also like to be able to suppress whenever I like, so I chose the suppresser versions in urban gray for my SP-01, P-01, and P-07. Love them!

Offline NeedCZ

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Re: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2022, 03:07:16 PM »
I decided to go with the Shadow version because I really like my 75b SAO Shadow[/img]

Offline rdcinhou

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Re: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2022, 03:46:59 PM »
I like decockers so the tactical was my choice and I found a killer deal on it that didn't hurt!!

I happen to like decockers as well and I was lucky enough to come across one at a gun show!
CZ24/27/38/40P/45/52, Vzor 50/70,75BΩ,75D Compact,P01/07/09,P10M/S/C/F(9mm,.45), Phantom,SP01 Tactical,Shadow 2 (Blue,Urban Gray), 82/83/85 PreB, 97BE,97BD,97BDE,100,1911A1, 2075D RAMI,452 American,550 Urban Counter Sniper,805 Bren S1,Drake G2,Duo,Z,vz24 8mm Mauser,FK 7.5 BRNO Field Pistol, PSD

Offline MoRivera

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Re: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2022, 11:39:40 PM »
I also use the SP01 Shadow for IDPA and USPSA, both iron and optics (changeable slides).

The feel and natural pointability off the gun are spot-on for me, very reminiscent of the Browning Hi-Power which I find to be the perfect grip.  Nice solid weight being all steel for comfortable and steady shooting, low muzzle flip, but not cumbersome and too heavy...if anything its proportions are rather svelte.  With tuning the double-action is light and smooth, and most importantly with the 'old style' 85C trigger the single-action break isn't so far back like with other DA/SA guns.  And I can also use it as ESP in IDPA starting cocked-n'-locked.

On top of all that, it feels like it's built like a tank so it will take a beating and is easy to maintain.  Just the perfect competition 9mm for me, and it fits me better than a Shadow 2.  Only niggle is that it's a bit heavy in the holster when running around during multi-gun.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2022, 01:01:06 AM by MoRivera »

Offline newageroman

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Re: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?
« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2022, 05:36:36 AM »
First CZ was a beat up old 75B, built it up for USPSA and was hooked. Bought an SP-01 Safety model for HD and kept it stock for over a year. Bought an S2 and then promptly sold it because I knew I could build a better range gun out of the 01 (like the 75B upgrades). So did all that to the SP-01 and added a frame mounted C-more railway and threaded barrel and made it an open gun.
Then got into 97s. All of mine are safety models, I personally hate decockers and won't own one(same for glocks). Mainly because they are harder to tune from what I have heard. I carry shoulder holster 99% of the time that I do carry. But I work from home and don't get out a whole lot. I normally carry my SARP8L(75 copy) or 97B ready for double action, no safety.

Good luck with your pick and pics when it happens, I'm sure you will be happy with a CZ any way around.
Ricky Ace Range Review:
75B-BullShadow SAO (Limited Optics)
SP-01-SAO-comped (OpenMajor)
97E SAO, 97B, SAR copies

Offline fbama73

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Re: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2022, 05:39:18 AM »
My choice was the SP-01 MS

I learned to shoot with John Browning designs (1911, Hi Power), and prefer having a manual safety. I don't mind decockers, I have a couple of pistols with them that I like just fine. But, when I have the option of a manual safety, I have always gone that way- even on my DAO P365X carry pistol.

Offline Phyffe

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Re: What made you pick your specific SP-01 model?
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2022, 10:43:20 AM »

I went with the SP01 Shadow because it was, to my perception when I first got into CZs, the most accurate of the CZ75 family.

Almost 20 years after I got my 75B I decided to bite the bullet and get the Shadow 1 instead of paying half as much again for the Shadow 2 because I felt there was ZERO chance I would carry that thing, LOL.
CZ SP-01 Shadow
CZ P10-S
CZ 75B
CZ Scorpion Evo 3 S1 Carbine
Mossberg Model 500 Bullpup