I won a Gunbroker auction adding a CZ Model "Z" to my collection (now up to 15!).
After getting it home I searched the Internet for a disassembly video and found a DUO disassembly video (poor video quality). Figuring that they were nearly identical I watched it.
When I went to disassemble my "Z", while removing the slide I neglected to "cup" my hand over the back of the slide resulting in part(s) forcefully shooting out across my study.
I say "part(s)" in that I only found the firing pin spring. What apparently was missing (compared to the DUO video) was the
firing pin spring guide rod.
I scoured the area looking for any such part to no avail.
Thinking that I might never find it, I went to Numrich's website to see if I could find a replacement. They list parts for the DUO but not for the "Z" and of course they were Out-of-Stock on that particular part.
So....I began to wonder if maybe the "Z" didn't have such a part (i.e. the DUO does and the "Z" doesn't).
I found another video--a rather good quality one that showed disassembly of the "Z" and it didn't include such a part.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D66rirhZRUSo I reassembled my "Z" by the instructions in this video and everything seems to be okay.
A bit later, I went to look for any backup "Z" documentation to add to my notebooks and found a webpage with photos of a disassembled "Z" that does show a firing pin spring guide rod. (Link:
I am hesitant to go to the range to test my "Z" when it might be missing a needed part.
QUESTION: Does your "Z" have a firing pin spring guide rod? If not, does it shoot well without it?