As the screen name implies, I've got a generous waistline. I'm likely to be replacing the Para commander that I currently carry with a 97BD. SWMBO (SheWhoMustBeObeyed) has recently been 'discussing' the worn spots and holes that the gun wears into my shirts.
I wear XL long shirts from Carhartt and Duluth Trading. Going up a size would leave the shoulder seams and inch or two down on my arms, that is rather unkempt looking. Most button downs don't have square bottom hems, so they look unkempt as well if not tucked in. They tend to fit looser around the waist so it is easier to disguise the fact that I do carry.
I'm near as bleep it 60 years old so losing weight is not as easy for us older folks as it is for you whippersnappers.
Winter is not as much of a problem, Vests and sweatshirts, and sweaters do the job nicely.
Do you guys have any recommendations for clothing that would help?