Author Topic: New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39  (Read 4827 times)

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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« on: November 19, 2005, 09:54:28 AM »
Over on rec.guns, there has been a thread about people having trouble finding 7.62x39 ammo the past month or so. One person claimed that the Cheaper Than Dirt store in Texas was even sold out. Add to this, that at the last gun show I was at (last weekend) I saw a lot less SKSs than usual, and the dealers who did have them seemed to sell quicker than normal. My regular gun shop only has 1 in stock (a rare, and therefore more expensive Albanian variant).

One dealer said that all of this started after Katrina, because people now know that when push comes to shove, nobody will be there to help them. Now, I believe in gun ownership (obviously). I also believe in home protection: I have a turkey gun (Remington 870 pump) that I keep in a safe in my bedroom with a shell holder on the stock. It holds 6 rounds of 3" 00 buck shot.

Anyway, here are my thoughts... when I first heard all of this I thought, "sounds like a good idea, maybe I'll pick an SKS up myself." But later I started to think how impractical it would be. If something like Katrina, or any other disaster (man made or natural) were to hit, why the hell would I want an SKS?

If I needed to leave my home and be mobile (find food, gas, water, ect...) and was worried about being safe, I would not bring an SKS. All it would do is call un-needed attention to myself from both the bad elements of society and law enforcement. What do you think would happen if I walked around the city with an SKS? I wouldn't last a second! Either a cop (or national guard) would think I was up to no good, or a civilian could think the same and take a shot. If you were in a disaster situation and somebody with an SKS was walking down the street towards you, what would you do? A good concealed firearm would be the way to go I believe.

Ok, so lets say that I have my supplies and lock-down the house. What would be better for home defense than a good shotgun? Do I expect an entire platoon invading from all windows and both doors at the same time? If somebody came in , they would have to go through a door and through an entrance way, that means single file. You don't need an SKS to defend that.

Maybe if I lived in a rural setting where I had land to protect and had to go from building to building (sheds, barns, ect...) on my own property it would make a bit of sense, but for us city folk, I think it is very impractical.

Any opionions?


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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2005, 05:28:12 PM »
You make alot of valid points.  I agree with most of them, , but I would also add that in an emergency situation like that,  I would not want to draw any attention to myself,  I would therefore want a Glock 17.  I would want something that I could conceal.
  Although carrying a shotgun carries a message that says " DON'T MESS WITH ME". ,there are very bold criminals who would want your shotgun for themselves.  
  Also, your premise that that they would all go single file through the door is one that I dissagree with.  What if you have no wall.  What if its a natural dissaster that forces you to evacuate.  Mobility and concealability are my concerns, otherwise I agree with you.

Offline jwc007

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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2005, 06:28:07 PM »
At our Pistol Clubs Gun Show last weekend, there were plenty of SKS's and practically anything else you could want.  Plenty of 7.62x39 ammo too!

As for the guy walking down the Street with an SKS, he may just BE walking down the Street, patroling or just trying to survive.  Always avoid trouble if you can, but if it comes after you, kill it!

Yes, the Handgun is still the best way to go, in your home where manuerverability is most important.  The 12 Guage will be better and an intermediate round carbine in 7.62x39 or .223 even better.  For overpenetration issues, the 12 guage with #4 Shot is best, the .223 next, then the 7.62x39.

I do have an early milled Chinese SKS that I am rather fond of and believe it would make a nice Survival Weapon.

As for the SKS in general, in skilled hands and a good supply of stripper clips, they will work just fine and be as good as most anything else.  However, I would reach for my AKM before the SKS, and my AR15 before either.
"Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego." - Yoda

For all of those killed by a 9mm: "Get up! You are not dead! You were shot with a useless cartridge!"


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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2005, 07:56:19 PM »
And my Mosin M38 would be the most impractical of all, but whatever I hit with it wil stay down, that's for certain. Hey, use what you have, and that's all I have. The wife has the Yugo SKS, and if I am lucky, I might get another in a month or two. No AKs, no FALs yet.
   Of course, there are never hurricanes or tropical storms in the desert. Last tornado I remember touching down was in 1978. We do get monsoon storms...:hat


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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2005, 09:20:34 PM »
Although carrying a shotgun carries a message that says " DON'T MESS WITH ME". ,there are very bold criminals who would want your shotgun for themselves.

Agreed. That is why I would use this for home defense, where it would not gain attention.

your premise that that they would all go single file through the door is one that I dissagree with. What if you have no wall. What if its a natural dissaster that forces you to evacuate

That is one advantage of living in a city: row homes. If I had no wall, then 1/2 of the block was just destroyed and I have no home to speak of. If I'm in my house, it has walls. As far as the evac, that is when I'd go with the concealed firearm.


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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2005, 09:57:12 PM »
"As far as the evac, that is when I'd go with the concealed firearm"

in total agreement there.


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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2005, 03:06:06 PM »
I have read y'all's post and I agree with what you said. I would not want to draw attention to my self either.

 Like Armoredman said, I have a Yugo SKS and thats all I have for right now other than my CZ 2075 Rami in 9mm. Thats my concealment gun for sure. I know it's not a 40 or a 45 but she's a good pistol. I would use my pistol for survivial and no one would know I have it. If it came right down to someone telling us to get out, then I would take anything I have just to get through.


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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2005, 03:25:45 PM »
Thats exactly right.  Concealment is critical.  Also,  I never feel underarmed with a 9mm using the appropriate ammo, ie 124 gr. Speer Gold Dots, ect.
  Whether its going through a hurricane emergency where we had to evacuate last year or just going to a normal day to day routine when I am at work or at dinner out with friends.  
  Stealth is key and never print with my concealed weapons or draw attention to myself.  The best way to win a gun fight is never to get into one, but sometimes we have no choice, in a situation like that, be resolute and decisive.  

Offline DWARREN123

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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2005, 08:23:32 PM »
Cheap to purchase firearm that fires cheap to purchase ammunition and it will do the job.


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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2005, 02:08:02 PM »
Many SKS And AKs + ammo at the Gunshow yesterday.
alot of people in Idaho hunt deer with SKS rifles.

At present I only own the 527 brush Carbine for the
russian round.


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New Orleans, self defense, and the 7.62x39
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2005, 03:57:07 PM »
Must be nice to hunt large game with a semi! Here in PA the only semi we can use is a semi-auto shotgun on small game (turkey and the like).  I can't even use a semi-auto rimfire for varmint!