Author Topic: Left hand and finger as equal or more accurate than right hand  (Read 1017 times)

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Offline kikicz

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Left hand and finger as equal or more accurate than right hand
« on: November 07, 2017, 08:36:49 PM »
Hi Guys, the other day i was at the range and after shooting 50 rounds with the right hand and not being happy with the groupings i decided to give my right hand a break and start working on my left, well unfortunately i started getting better
groups and bulls eye's with the left, what the hell, this was very depressing.
Now before you all start the dominant eye thing, yes i am right eye dominant, but my left hand has always been stronger since i broke my right hand at 7 and the left kicked in for a while. What i noticed is when i squeeze the trigger with my right finger, the whole finger curls to the left, but, when i squeeze with the left finger, only the first and second knuckle move thereby the finger stays straight.
The question i have is how many have the same situation, and should i just shoot with my left and not bother with the
training the right finger ?

Offline MadDuner

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Re: Left hand and finger as equal or more accurate than right hand
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2017, 09:30:27 PM »
I would work on both sides - but do whatever feels the most comfortable with accuracy.  A buddy of mine that I shoot with is pretty much ambidextrous - and shoots great with both sides most days.  Other times he is better on one or the other but it's not consistent at all.

Weak and strong sides of limbs and eyes are very confusing.  I'm right handed and pretty much a klutz while trying to use my left hand for much of anything.... but can punch 50# harder with my left arm/fist than I can my right arm/fist.  I never have been able to figure that one out.

Offline copemech

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Re: Left hand and finger as equal or more accurate than right hand
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2017, 11:52:28 PM »
It usual takes me the first 50 to settle down and concentrate on what I am doing wrong!

Offline 1SOW

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Re: Left hand and finger as equal or more accurate than right hand
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2017, 12:05:44 AM »
What I would consider:
Do you use a right hand draw from a holster?    I do and rely on my strong/right  hand for fast shots.  I try to improve my strong hand only shooting even though my right trigger finger is 1/4" shortened due to an injury.  I have a better trigger pull with my left hand,  but shoot slower with pistols.  With most Rifles,  my strong hand trigger finger reach isn't a problem.  Trying to flip flop trigger fingers is likely to cause hesitation and worse problems than working on my right hand trigger pull and modifying the trigger position when CZC or CGW comes up with mods. ;D
I work on both hands in action shooting matches and practices but "rely" primarily on my strong hand. :-\
Do what works best for "you" with your shooting venues.

Offline Tyerone

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Re: Left hand and finger as equal or more accurate than right hand
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2017, 05:57:33 AM »
Sometimes confidence and faster shooting (or perhaps bad habits) kicks in with the dominant hand, where transferring to the opposite hand, I'll tend to slow down and work the the mechanics of shooting from the brain again thus tightening up the groups.  Continuing the thought processing with the dominent hand afterwards usually tightens groups up even more.

Offline knittle

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Re: Left hand and finger as equal or more accurate than right hand
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2017, 08:59:56 AM »
 I would be happy that I could do well with my left hand. That said You said your right hand is weaker. maybe you can come up with some form of exercise to work those. finger muscles. May be worth a try 

20 some years ago I broke the bone just before the knuckle if my index finger at the hand. The Orthopedic Surgeon wouldn't set it for forgotten reasons. After it healed I couldn't flatten my hand out and the doctor said I would never be able to. A couple years later i bought a inexpensive compound bow and started shooting arrows. a few months my hand would flatten out even though the knuckle is set back 3/8" from normal.