Those of you that have a 97B know it is a heavy, large pistol, with excellent ergonomics, especially for folks with large hands and long fingers. I shot a local bullseye match with a 75B and 9mm and Kadet slides last weekend, but I am going back to the soft shooting, heavy, large 97B"E" for the 2018 match season, starting in February. The video below (which won't finish uploading until about 12:30am CST) will provide some evidence of why. I can pick the gun up after 2 months with the 75B, and shoot it pretty well with just a few rounds down range. I'm not giving away anything to my 1911 buddies.
I tried a blank target technique that has been very helpful in training myself not to chase the dot around on a bullseye and then force the shot. I have found the drill shown below to be very helpful, especially when I haven't been practicing regularly.
So, for those of you who are wondering if a 97B"E" would be a good match gun, especially for bullseye or other precision tasks, my answer is yes. Gun is excellent. Shooter needs a few hundred rounds practice over the next few weeks.