Got out the P01 box last night to look over the decocking levers.
When I opened it I noticed two things different from my other CZ pistols/boxes.
1. the manual is very thick and stiff, like a small hardback book, seems to be much higher quality paper than my other CZ pistol owner's manuals
2. It's also got a CD in it that is supposed to contain a manual and other support information
I don't recall any of the many other CZ's I've bought (Compacts, P09's, P07's, the CZ 75 SA) having these two items (owner's manual - yes, owner's manual of the same type - no.)
This is an urban grey model P01. Does anyone else with an Urban Grey P01 have these same items in the box with their pistol?
Has anyone else bought a different CZ pistol with items like these in the box?