I?ve run quite a bit through mine, 115/124/147 ball, Tula steel, blazer and federal aluminum case, 124/147 hst and +p variant of each, 147 subsonic, extreme hollow points. I haven?t tried gold dot, critical duty, or extreme penetrator but I?d like to and make sure they?ll cycle.
The first thing I did when I bought the scorpion was break it in with 200 rounds of 147 HST since that?s my carry/defense go to and if it doesn?t run that there?s no place for it at my house. Luckily it?s ran any and everything I?ve fed it. Only 1 hiccup and it was a short stroke, ammo related as the same ammo from the same box caused it in my P01. It was 1 single box of federal HST, a couple of the rounds weren?t loaded with the right charge and it was enough to move the action but not enough to eject and pick up a round. Rack the slide/bolt and kept trucking, weirdest thing ever but haven?t had a box of HST do it since so calling it a fluke