Hy guys !!!
Big Brother, Big Daddy.... Big something often is the alias of the CZ 97B !
I sold a Springfied 1911 mil spec. to get this CZ 97B.
In France, it cost 980? (1200$)
I reload with Reload Swiss RS12 powder (so clean !!!!), CCI primers, and some ARES 230gn Epoxy, CAMPRO 230gn TC HP (excellent bullet !!) and for last LOS 230gn RN
My masterpiece :
BUT, I have an HUDGE problem !!!!!
Don't worry, I explain it !!
I do comp?tition? In France it is the FFTir (F?d?ration Fran?aise de Tir = French Federation of Shooting)
The comp?tition I do is the TAR (Tir aux Armes R?glementaires = Shooting with Official Weapons) and for this we need to use a weapon that is used to Army, Police, Secret Service, Specialized.....
But I don't find any information about that ! Do you know any police (I think no army use the 97B) department or other in the USA that use this weapon ?
If I don't find any proof of official users, I'll need to sold my 97B ....
Please..... help me !! I love that gun so much ! Better to my ex-Springfield .
If some information with shooting and legislation in France, I can tell you some things :
We shoot at 25 meters on C50 target (27,34 yards, square target 21 inches)
To have a gun in France we need :
-A Range favorable paper ("green paper") to get it, we need to do a Control Shooting book (3 control shoot per year)
-A civil status paper (ask it in city of birth)
-A proof to have a safe box (coffre fort)
-Write en official form with what we ask (pistol, riffle...) and many information !
We post all of this to city Prefecture, we wait for 1 month to 6 mouth (depend to city) and if we have chance and no justice problem, we get the autorisation to buy one weapon (or two if we ask for two... or three if we ask for three...)
So.... now we can go to our local gun shop buy the gun !!!
Yes, in France, legal weapon are very difficult to get ! (Illegal are so easy....as anywhere)
Thanks for reading, I hope you can help me !
Have a nice weekend !!!