Turbo, which specific CZ are you using?
At the CGW site, he recommends a recoil spring that tosses the ejected cases 6-8 feet for the ammunition you "primarily" shoot.
If the cases are falling on or near you, the recoil spring is too strong. If they are ejected out of sight, the recoil spring is to light

With light ammo a 13# or 14# recoil spring is likely doing a good job, but check how far it is to where they hit the ground as a reference.
The full size 75B and other full size CZs on the Wolf springs sight, list 14# as the stock weight recoil spring. The maximum power ammo guaranteed by CZ in your manual is based on the stock spring weights.
Just to mention: you can't compare the low pressure 45 action parts with the action parts in the high pressure 9mm. They are different animals all together.