Hey guys,
I bought a CZ p07 and I followed the polishing instructions and adjusted the trigger bar spring according the sticky thread in the p07 section. I added the reduced power FP spring, plunger spring, TRS, HS-18 yellow hammer spring, yellow sear spring and a .220 roller. My original roller measured .212. The hammer was rubbing a bit on the left side of the frame so I mirror polished both sides of the hammer also. After this the pull was still heavy, gritty and stacks quite a bit. The only thing I didn?t do was the ?adhesive removal? on the decocker rod but mine doesn?t appear to have any. What am I missing, or am I just expecting too much from a polymer DA pull. I was hoping to get the DA something like Sig Legion series. Maybe I set my standards too high? Unless you guys have some tips for me I guess I?ll just shoot it as is and hope it breaks in smoother. I don?t mind the spongy SA and longer reset but I was hoping for better DA pull.