My particular carbine not only had the long and weighty pull to break, it had speed bumps the full length of travel. I could have endured this while I sent 100's of rounds down the pipe, but...WHY?
I know repeated cycling wear would eventually smooth the squeeze. I also know that sighting in a new optic (as well as the BUIS) would remain an exercise in frustration until then. I ruled out the patience option.
After removing the FCG, the OEM grease and the mung stuck to it, re-lubing the assembly and bolt, installing a sub $10 HBI spring kit I was curious about the effect on the action. A trip to the range revealed an acceptably smooth action. I think I'm stopping here...for a while anyway. Even the break seems crisper.
Dialing in the sights is actually possible now that I'm not traversing a whoop'de'do infested mx track to the point of trigger break. My aim is true and consistently reliable with this one simple change.