So as of now there is still very limited anything for the P-07, it's gotten better with the P-10c being released, but one of the many things lacking is good aftermarket base plates. There are a few extensions out there (+2 or +4) but I live in New York and I can't even get more than 10 rounds so they do me no good.
Well I was on the YouTube's the other night clicking randomly on videos and I see one titled "P-10c Magazine hack" or something. And think hmm P-07 is the same magazine let's see what this hack is.
Well the guy goes on about how the OEM base plates do nothing for the user when it comes to one handed magazine removals or if a magazine is jammed and needs to be ripped out.
His solution trying out the Vickers base plates by Tango Downs. He says the glock ones will work but didn't show it on camera but did show the M&P fit and work so I figured well $21 let's see if they work in the 07 as well.
Package came today just before I had to get ready for work so I didn't get much time to mess around with them, did get one on and still seats in the gun, slide lock works, will do more function testing soon and need to do some reliability testing.
Was also able to get some real crappy pics
(Did two comparison pics with the OEM base plates, Vickers is on the left, OEM on the right)
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