Author Topic: Taurus 617 experiences?  (Read 1329 times)

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Offline Cyanide

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Taurus 617 experiences?
« on: April 26, 2018, 02:24:22 PM »
Just curious if any of y?all have/had one? I?ve not been able to find one at any of my LGS?s, but have handled a couple of 627?s. Really liking the idea of a 7-shot snub that?s lighter than the S&W I saw a few days ago, which felt heavier empty than my old Beretta M9 did loaded. As for the 627 I got my hands on, didn?t seem like it?s little brother would be bothersome as a carry piece having the shorter barrel and slightly smaller grip.

Appreciate any and all input as always, and if anyone presently has one, could you please post pics of it next to others in it?s size range or even smaller for comparison? Doesn?t matter if another revolver or a semi-auto.



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Re: Taurus 617 experiences?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2018, 09:15:37 AM »
I can't comment on the 617 but out of 4 Taurus products I've owned ALL 4 were grossly defective. 2 model 94 .22lr's a model 85 in .38 spl. and a PT 111. None of the 4 were even remotely reliable enough to consider for defensive purposes. The .22's were not even on paper at 10 yds,the .38 spl  was inaccurate and the cylinder would lock up after 10 rounds due to the BC gap being insufficient and the PT111 would not fire 2 rounds consecutively without choking. Sorry nothing good too say about Taurus,would never consider one again.

Offline jwc007

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Re: Taurus 617 experiences?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2018, 03:02:17 PM »
I've had very good luck with Taurus Pistols, so far, with the exception of their .380 TCP mini-Pistol.  The latter Pistol (TCP)actually belongs to a shooting buddy and I've not had much time to try to fix it, and I really did not care for it, even when it did work.

My current Taurus Pistols can be seen below with the exception of my PT709, which was bought after the first pic was taken:

Collection of Taurus Pistols L - R
PT92 w/ Pachmayr Finger Groove Grip
PT908 9mm
PT24/7 Pro 9mm
PT24/7 OSS DS .45 ACP
PT-111 9mm

Taurus PT709 Slim 9mm with Pearce Magazine Finger Extensions

During the hot summer months, my favorite carry Pistols are either my Taurus PT111 or my Taurus PT709, and mostly I carry the PT111 then.

Size Comparison of Taurus PT111 to Taurus PT709. Both in 9mm

During the Colder Temperatures and Wardrobe permitting, I'm carrying more Mid-Size Pistols, which still include one Taurus 24/7.
Currently, the S&W SW9VE is in my IWB Holster.

Left to Right
Taurus 24/7 Pro 9mm
Canik 55 TP9V1
S&W Sigma SW9VE - with mild trigger work

As for Taurus Revolvers in general, most have been quite reliable.  I used to have a Blued Finish Taurus M66 4 inch .357 Magnum, which I sold off during a layoff, which I wish I still had.  Never a problem with it and I had about 800 rounds through it when I sold it.  About half of those were Full House .357 Magnums and the other half my .38 Special reloads.  Like it's S&W K Frame siblings, it was best to stick with the 140 and slower heavier Bullet loadings to avoid damage to the Barrel Forcing Cone on that one.  I would not mind buying another one, should I see one at at a good price.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2018, 03:12:45 PM by jwc007 »
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Offline Cyanide

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Re: Taurus 617 experiences?
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2018, 11:09:16 AM »
A very quick thank you to those of y?all who have so far replied.

Ron M.

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Re: Taurus 617 experiences?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2018, 12:00:13 PM »
I've had very bad luck with Taurus pistols. The 3 that I tried, 709 Slim, 24/7 9mm and PT-111, wouldn't get through a magazine without a failure of some kind. The 2 Taurus revolvers I've had were fairly good. The older 4 inch blued Model 66 was reasonably accurate and with a little polishing and lube was as smooth as a Ruger or S&W of the same size. The Stainless 2 1/2 inch Model 431 was OK, but I never got it as smooth as the Model 66, but it was good enough for use as a carry gun.