The CZ Compact I carry around all the time went into the holster just fine. The spare magazine was about to go in my pocket (left leg cargo pocket on my pants) when I noticed it was a round down. The "16" marked hole was a black hole. I grabbed a round from the bottle on the shelf in the mud room (the deal for buying/staining/poly urethaning and installing all those cabinets was one of the tall ones is "mine") and tried to push it into the magazine.
No go. Yup. Got a gritty sound and almost no movement downwards on that top round. I tried again and pushed harder. Got the same gritty sound and not enough movement to make me happy.
I grabbed a spare from a mag. pouch and popped it in my pocket and took the dogs for a walk and biuscut (that was the idea for going out in the first place).
When I came in I started thumbing rounds out of the magazine and each one caused a gritty sound for the first 4 or 5 and then the rest decided to stop rising up to the lips. I turned it upside down and shook it and three or four fell out. I turned it right side up again and could see rounds down in the magazine telling the spring to jump in the lake. I turned it upside down and tapped it on the chair and the rounds popped to the lips and I finished getting them out.
When I picked up that little pile of 9MM rounds I would have bet money I'd dropped them all in the dirt out in the dog pen. Since I still had on my "walk the dogs" t-shirt I wiped all the rounds clean my t-shirt and I could see it was a little darker. Rounds feel good and clean, time to disassemble the magazine and look it over.
Got the base plate off (nasty/gritty inside), got the spring out (nasty/gritty and I could see stuff on the spring). Pulled follower out and it was just as nasty. Got a small flash light and looked into the magazine body and it was nastier looking that the spring/follower.
Got some patches and started wiping everything down. Got the parts clean, wiped them with and oily rag, reassembled the magazine and loaded it up with no problems.
Here's a picture of the first patch used to wipe out the inside of the magazine. You can see more crud on the white paper the patch is lying on (envelope from some outfit called AARP? Who's old? I'm not old, yet).
I'm going to either buy me a 1 magazine IWB pouch or start rotating/cleaning my magazines more often. The pistols get cleaned regularly whether I shoot them or not. But I haven't been cleaning the magazines.