Author Topic: 147 grain sub sonic in a CZ Scorpian EVO  (Read 1302 times)

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147 grain sub sonic in a CZ Scorpian EVO
« on: July 29, 2018, 11:27:23 AM »
I was reading an online discussion the other day about ammo for a defensive 9mm weapon. I recently bought a S&W Shield, another person had bought the same gun (retired LEO that had been out of the loop for a while. His sources were telling him 115gr  JHP+P or 147gr subsonic) and it got me thinking as I had just ordered 300 rounds of Federal hydra shock 115 gr JHP. Those rounds I ordered, they might be fine for a pistol carrying concealed, but what about the EVO? Mine is the pistol with faux can version with the SBT brace. Wouldn't the 147gr subsonic be a little quieter(thinking that firing in an indoor environment), less energy so less chance of over penetration of surrounding environment?

Also, cycling the EVO with less energy, any problems? Or am I completely over thinking this whole thing?

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Re: 147 grain sub sonic in a CZ Scorpian EVO
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2018, 10:54:15 AM »
I think I may have answered my own question via research.

I may be wrong with what I read/heard, but the 147 grain 9mm round might have a property I fear the most which is over penetration and also a tendency to not expand properly if it penetrates heavy clothing, where as the 115gr hits with a lot of force and the energy dissipates rapidly and tends to not over penetrate. Both are great rounds, the 124 might be the sweet spot for that round, but I am still going to err on the side of caution and stick with the 115grain JHP.

If I had been able to post this question in the EVO forum, I might have been able to get a clearer answer about cycling a EVO with the 147 grain subsonic, but I guess I'm not allowed to ask any ammo question in a specific gun forum, go figure.

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Re: 147 grain sub sonic in a CZ Scorpian EVO
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2018, 10:36:31 AM »
If I had been able to post this question in the EVO forum, I might have been able to get a clearer answer about cycling a EVO with the 147 grain subsonic, but I guess I'm not allowed to ask any ammo question in a specific gun forum, go figure.

I disagree. "The fault, dear Brutus, lie not in our stars..."

? Had you titled your question something like "EVO cycle rates", "EVO effectiveness", or "basic EVO questions", then it could stay in the EVO Forum. There you can discuss everything you're discussing here... IN THE TEXT OF THE PARAGRAPHS with EVO owners. But when you insist on placing "ammo" specific words in your title, then 'Yes', it gets moved here.

? Or, you could go on the EVO Forum and place a link to this thread (already in place and working), and entitle it "A little help please from EVO owners".

That seems easy enough.  ;)
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