Author Topic: SP01 Kadet  (Read 3782 times)

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Offline coachdave2001

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SP01 Kadet
« on: May 06, 2018, 10:43:35 PM »
Hi everyone,

I picked up the new SP01 Kadet a while back. Easily fits with my SP01 without filing/modification.  Worked pretty well. Not a fan of the sights and still working to dial it in as I?ve only taken it out once.

My question is has anyone figured out how to best clean this thing?  I don?t see how the barrel can be removed. I?ve just used larger qtips from the front - obviously undesirable. It just seems like it should be more easily disassembled for cleaning.

When I talked to CZ Custom they said they had one in for work and were able to remove it with some negotiating, but I just don?t see how...

Complicating the issue is there are absolutely no instructions with the Kadet kit other than that which comes with any CZ 75..

I little frustrating given the cost of the kit.

Thanks for any input you have.

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Offline katsu

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Re: SP01 Kadet
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2018, 01:28:07 AM »
I'm a little confused. Is the SP01 Kadet different from the Kadet 2?

Mine requires a pin be punched out of the top of the upper to remove the barrel, but it doesn't need the barrel be removed for cleaning. I just run a .22 cleaning brush through the barrel, wipe down what I need to, and put the slide back on.
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Offline coachdave2001

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Re: SP01 Kadet
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2018, 01:38:11 AM »
I'm a little confused. Is the SP01 Kadet different from the Kadet 2?

Mine requires a pin be punched out of the top of the upper to remove the barrel, but it doesn't need the barrel be removed for cleaning. I just run a .22 cleaning brush through the barrel, wipe down what I need to, and put the slide back on.
Yes it's a new version. See this post:

Heres a pic of the kit.

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Offline DenStinett

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Re: SP01 Kadet
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2018, 10:33:59 PM »
Try locking the Slide back and use a Hoppe's BoreSnake
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Offline coachdave2001

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Re: SP01 Kadet
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2018, 01:51:37 AM »
Thanks for the suggestion

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Offline redlightrich

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Re: SP01 Kadet
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2018, 09:59:25 AM »
Just for future searchers:
The barrel will easily come out. First remove slide assembly.

Next, use a tool ( slide stop will work) to remove the recoil spring retaining cup which is a plastic part with light press fit.
This will allow the back side of the barrel to tip down far enough to clean it from the breech end.
It full removal is desired

Push out the barrel retaining cross pin from the front sight block, and twist it off. The retaining pin starts life as a slight press fit, but after use it is no longer a press fit.

Be mindful of the ejector and notch and it is easy peasy!!

Offline Arizona Gunner

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Re: SP01 Kadet
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2018, 06:15:07 PM »
I just got my SP-01 kit, which came with absolutely no Kadet specific instructions. I was relieved when it slipped right on the SP-01 lower and feels like it fits very well; I would have been up the creek if it required any fitting.

From searching the forum I discovered the purpose of the red and blue springs. Come on, CZ... how hard would it be to include a one or two page pamphlet with some basic info with these things?

So, the next stop is the range, but so far I am very pleased. The test target is very impressive... I hope my results are close to theirs.