I saw your other thread, and I think depending on perspective, you ended up generally landing on the better end of that transaction by a pretty wide margin. The D versions are somewhat difficult to find on the regular...but that aside...to address the overall question for those who may read this thread...
There is nothing wrong with a couple of things discussed there from a manual decocking perspective, so perhaps I can address them individually.
1:) Manual decocking vs safety (or some combination thereof). I have a Shadow Line Compact, which conceptually is the same firing manual of arms as the Rami 2075. There is NO issue with decocking, but one must be very safety oriented, and not assume the safety features will save you if you make a mistake. Now my pistol has no firing pin block...so the stakes are slightly higher....but fundamentals are fundamentals. Always point in a safe direction, grip hammer on both sides firmly (or youtube the rolling thumb method), depress the trigger, and slowly lower the hammer to rest lightly at the pin, or depress the trigger, release the trigger, and lower to the first safety notch (hammer remains at partial cock, the same position in fact that a decocker lowers it to). Slow...deliberate...safe. Anything less, if you are lucky its a hole in the wall/floor. If not, the stake only rise from there.
2: Safety notch vs. full decock. I will not get into to the grand debate over which is safer or less safe, and/or why....because CZ makes it perfectly clear in both instructions as well as in functional practice that EITHER method is safe, and none is preferred over the other. I will say that because my pistol has no firing pin block, that I chose personally to manually decock to the safety notch...because pressing and then releasing the trigger immediately while lowering will bring the hammer to rest on that notch....and I don't like the idea that if I make a mistake that there is NO safety net for me at all. See above notes around vigilance and taking time, and I do, but I want as many ways to keep that hammer from hitting the pin when unintended as possible.
At any rate....I always have my eyes open for a 2075BD locally....and I will likely jump on one when available....though I am not 100% sure what role it will really fill over my SLC (it's still not single-stack concealable or really pocket-worth IMO)...but I just kinda want one...so there it that!