They'll go on a 16 round magazine, but then you can't use them in a full sized CZ75 model. The plastic sticks up too far above the bottom edge of the magazine. I use them in the Compacts.
You can put them on the Mecgar 17 round magazines and make them 19 round magazines and those will fit in the CZ75 full sized models.
You can't use them on the CZ Compact 14 round magazines as, once more, the plastic keeps the magazine from seating in a Compact pistol.
I slightly modified the bottom of my Pre B CZ85 so I can use the 16's with the +2 on them. You can see the slight bit the grip panel sticks down below the frame, to allow enough clearance for the plastic of the +2 base to clear the frame so it will lock in. With a magazine in the gun, you can't really tell it. I know, no trigger in the pistol. I was waiting on the CGW floating trigger pin and didn't have all the guts in the pistol frame yet. For what it's worth, the floating pin was very difficult to drive into the frame (so not floating), then I think I read later that the CGW floating trigger pin isn't meant to be used in the older Pre B pistols. Oh well. Says something for the strength of the pin, that I could hammer it that hard and it not bend.