Ok someone talk to me about this thing. I?ve heard it?s an amazing and fine tuned CZ variant. I?ve also heard a few negatives:
how many things have you come across that is 100% positive.

1.) picky on Ammo
Dont know. Ive only shot maybe 3 brands/types of ammo through mine. I usually shoot FMJs through my autoloaders since its what i do. Havent shot any of the various HPs through mine, yet.
In the ammo i have shot through mine, no issues, so far.
2.) not a lot of aftermarket support
Dont know. Im the type that leaves things as-is. Dont care for frilly dresses on my toys. Just functional. Scope or glass on my handguns? nope. Various style slights, nope. Not needed for me.
My toys are for SD or punching paper without any timer or score, just for fun.
3.) if you need it fixed you gotta send it to manufacturer
Well, i would want to give them the first crack at it. Again, its how i do things.
What i noticed about things like this is that if the mfg doesnt know it has an issues (such as not sending it bacK) how can they fix it or decide to do a recall?
I give them the first shot at making it right. Then if they dont or cant, then im considering option #2.
4.) quality control issues
I havent heard anything about this. But the way i see things, they are made by man and man can be not perfect when it comes to such things. There is also the saying of Garbage IN = Garbage OUT. So if someone isnt paying attention to the work at hand, i can see some issues making it out of the factory.
Did they lose quality and value after they stopped being made is SWISS?
Can you predict the future? Not sure on this. It will depend on how many were made in both places and the demand. If you want an "investment" then there are better investments out there.
There maybe more $$$ reasons for mfg it in some other country. IF you notice that CZ had done the same.
sometimes a government will dictate things like mfg a thing or part of it in their country, if you want their $$$.
Tell me if I should or should not jump on one. $800-ish seems the current going price.
im not sure where you live, but where i live i can buy a gun and shoot it. If i dont like it for ANY reason, i can trade it, sell it, or give it away. Again, not sure where you come from. But thats how i see things. If it interests me and i can afford to buy it, i may do so and give i a spin.
Ive done that for several of my toys i have including my CZs. yes, some of my CZs have had issues and most of them not. But i will also say that i have not been burning ammo through all of my guns to find out if they are 100% functional/accurate. I like to shoot for pleasure, so i shoot leisurely. Not everyday or even once a month. As a matter of fact, i didnt make it to the range 1 time this year. Im spending more of my $$ on travel.
im sure others will chime in since there are others that have the Sphinx. Also, if you browse through the whole board, you will find there is a "clone" section.