Author Topic: Sphinx sdp subcompact  (Read 3473 times)

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Offline rexfire

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Sphinx sdp subcompact
« on: November 29, 2018, 10:52:01 PM »
Do they no longer make the subcompact?  I am unable to find any anywhere.  I called a Sphinx dealer from KRISS website and they said Sphinx is defunct as a company.

Offline rbuzz00

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Re: Sphinx sdp subcompact
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2018, 06:32:38 PM »
I'm not certain what the status of the Sphinx SDP subcompact is. I've also been looking and haven't seen them listed for quite a while. Bud's Gun shop and Ranier Arms used to carry them but they are listed as unavailable right now.

Sphinx used to be a Swiss owned company, but Sphinx went bankrupt and was bought by Kriss USA. Kriss moved production of the Spinx SDP compact to the US and is producing them here. I'm not certain if Kriss has plans to move the subcompact line to the US or not.

I have heard that Kriss has plans to expand the Sphinx model line, but due to increased demand for the Kriss Vector they've had to delay their plans.

Offline dross

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Re: Sphinx sdp subcompact
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2018, 12:59:10 PM »
I see one on gunbroker every once in a while. I've had one for a couple of years. Love it. Great pistol. The single action trigger is the best I've ever felt and that includes some custom 1911s.

Offline Walt Sherrill

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Re: Sphinx sdp subcompact
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2018, 02:34:33 PM »
Quote from: refxire
Do they no longer make the subcompact?  I am unable to find any anywhere.  I called a Sphinx dealer from KRISS website and they said Sphinx is defunct as a company.

If you're in a hurry, about the only way you'll find one is on gun broker or various forums like this.

As seems to have been the case with earlier Sphinx owners, they let their high standards do them in.  The latest owner of Sphinx, the Kriss Group (Swiss)  folded.  Before the Kriss Group folded, however, they completed a number of subtle changes to the  Sphinx designs so that the guns could be made more easily using the latest technology; this meant less hand work was required, thereby making it less expensive to maintain the high standards that Sphinx had long been known for. 

Kriss USA bought the rights to make and sell the Sphinx line from the Swiss Kriss Group who owned Sphinx.  The purchase included the state-of-the-art gun-making equipment and updated technology. equipment and are now making the compact SDP here in the U.S.   The latest The Sphinx  handgun are very well made, precision weapon.  Hope fully they will eventually find a market here in the U.S.

In recent months I heard/red that the SDP compact models are now being being made here in the U.S. and there's no discernible difference from the Swiss-made guns.  My SDP is a fine weapon.

Offline rhart

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Re: Sphinx sdp subcompact
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2018, 04:43:48 PM »
Love my subcompact. Very concealable with the thin handle - even though it's a 'double-stack' magazine. Very accurate for a short-barreled handgun as well.
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Offline dross

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Re: Sphinx sdp subcompact
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2018, 04:54:04 PM »
Love my subcompact. Very concealable with the thin handle - even though it's a 'double-stack' magazine. Very accurate for a short-barreled handgun as well.

I measured the sight radius and compared it to the sight radius of my CZ P01. Because of the slightly extended rear sight on the Sphinx, the sight radius is only a tiny bit shorter than the P01.

I put a magazine extension on mine, which increases the capacity by one - more importantly, it makes the grip the same size as the P01, and I can get my entire front paw on it.

Love the pistol. Just wish I could get some night sights on it.

Offline rexfire

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Re: Sphinx sdp subcompact
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2018, 12:37:54 PM »
I asked KRISS about the subcompact and this was the response:

Hello, and thank you for contacting KRISS USA.

Due to extremely high demand and subsequent large backorder for the KRISS Vector in its various configurations, as well as our manufacturing capacity currently being at its limit, our production team is currently prioritizing Vector manufacturing. As such, the SPHINX SDP Subcompact is currently not on the production schedule and we do not have any information as to when the SDP Subcompact will be scheduled for next production. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Janessa Toste
Customer Service

Offline kozel

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Re: Sphinx sdp subcompact
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2018, 04:23:41 PM »
I'm new to the forum and guns in general. I've been looking for info on hammer fired sa/da guns with a decocker and in my travels I've found some info in the SDP compact that may interest some of you folks. If you go to the Kriss site and click on military surplus, it will take you to Edelweiss Arms and they have stock (8) S4-WWSXX-E011PRM labeled as Swiss police surplus at $795 and the condition is NIB (assuming, New In Box); that's $200 off.

Also check

Offline inthecloud

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Re: Sphinx sdp subcompact
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2018, 04:00:01 PM »
I had seen the Swiss surplus, and I think it's a good recommendation. Kriss seems to only care about the Vector recently, and a Swiss made one is still desirable.

I have 3 SDP's, all Swiss made, and I quite obviously think it's a great pistol.