Author Topic: Firing pin sticking.  (Read 1110 times)

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Offline AVinLo

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Firing pin sticking.
« on: December 20, 2018, 01:37:13 AM »
Do dry fire practice for a  bit every day withmy P09 and Taurus Pt111 G2C. Started noticing firing pin stick on P09. Slidelock with magazine and take multi tool and slightly tap it to get it to go back in. Today I searched YouTube on how to take out firing pin in my po9. Even though I don't have punches or the little rubber block you set the gun on I made do with some Allen wrenches and a small punch that came in my Otis 9 mm gun cleaning kit. I took a piece of two by four and drilled a 3/4 inch hole with a spade bit and laid a microfiber cloth over cutting a hole so that I could drop the pin out. I actually ordered a Gunsmithing punch kit, but I was too impatient. I drove the pin out on 2 x 4 and worked great. Took out firing pin w/ spring and firing pin safety block. Cleaned thoroughly with Break Free Powder Blast and CLP. Also took out extractor and had a lot of gunk/muck on it. Cleaned it as well. Used my brush and pick set and Q-Tips. Re-oiled moderately. Reassembling everything took longer....ESPECIALLY the firing pin. Not near as easy as my Taurus. Seems to have fixed the firing pin sticking issue. Didnt have the correct tools, but got the job done with 1" punch from Otis 9mm cleaning kit, allen wrenches(for extra length to tap pins out), hammer and 2x4 with 2 - 3/4" holes wrapped in micofiber cloth. So far, so firing pin sticking

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Firing pin sticking.
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2018, 06:54:36 AM »
I haven't had that kind of issue yet (gunk build up in the firing pin/striker channel).  I think I know why but it upsets people.

Though I haven't tried it, I would think that you could get all of the crud out of that firing pin channel with carb or brake cleaner spray.

Safety glasses (you do't what that stuff in your eye, I can assure of that), slide off the frame with barrel/recoil spring/guide out of the slide and using the little red straw piece in the spray nozzle, blow out the crud by spraying into every hole/slot in the slide that feeds into the firing pin/striker channel.

You know, thinking back on it, seems like I did spray (just as part of a more detailed cleaning) like that on either the Glock M31 or one of the M&Ps.  I had trouble with light strikes/dead trigger on the M&Ps and did a lot of cleaning/inspecting, so it was probably those. 

If you use the carb/brake cleaner, be sure to get oil back on any parts you strip off with the spray cleaner.  It will remove all protecting/lubricating oils from whatever it contacts/flows across/through.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?