The HK P30 with the LEM trigger is outstanding. Personally, if a P30 wasn't configured with LEM, then it would not be for me. But that's a personal preference thing. The P30 is extremely ergonomic and overall, a very excellent pistol.
Again, I appreciate the responses but neither of you have address the question I asked and I have absolutely no interest in the LEM trigger.
Honestly, I don 't think anyone can answer the question but you.. While the numbers may show that they're close to each other, they don't tell you how the pistol feels in your hands, how the trigger feels, whether or not the sights line up when you bring the pistol up, etc, Your best bet would be to go to a shop that has one in stock, and compare, or if possible, borrow one, or find a shop with a range that has one for rent, and take one for a test drive before you buy. After all, you're going to be carrying it, not me. So, you may as well be sure it's what you want, before you drop the coin, and figure out later, it's not exactly what you wanted, and now you're stuck with it.. I've been down that road a few times..