Author Topic: CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples  (Read 3632 times)

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CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples
« on: November 17, 2018, 04:37:42 PM »
I have two CZ P01 Omega's, one completely stock Urban Grey Suppressor Ready model and one that has a CGW Pro Package and has been milled for a RMR using the 1911 plate by Primary Machine.  Both examples have manual safeties that are very easy to engage and disengage and do not give audible or tactile feedback - hence the "mushy" description. As far as I can remember both pistols have always had this "issue" with the safeties (both were purchased new) after installing them it was never something I had paid much mind to until I started carrying them.  Additionally this mushiness became so much more apparent to me when comparing them to my more recently acquired CZ 75 Compact (steel frame) and 2075 Rami which both have very tactile and positive safeties.  For both the Omega models I have noticed that just the act of carrying them and moving around (3 different holsters two IWB and one OWB) will cause the safety to be disengaged since minimal force is required to disengage it.  Is this typical of CZ Omega model manual safeties?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

(1st post for me; I have been using the forum as a resource for about year and I have been shooting CZ compact pistols seriously, in competition and training, for about 2 years)

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Re: CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2018, 05:00:38 PM »
Sounds like the detent on the back of the left side safetys are missing.

Mine has a very positive click to engage and disengage the safety.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2018, 05:20:41 PM »
Both of mine have a very nice/positive click going from safe to fire and a slightly less loud click going from fire to safe.

Several people here have reported losing that little piece of plastic (not the spring so often, but the spring alone won't make it work correctly) when removing the safety to do other work, or switching between decocker and safety.  That piece of plastic is behind/inside the left side safety.  You have to remove the left side safety to see it.

I don't think this is my picture (don't want to take credit for someone else's picture/work) but this is what it should look like (back side of the left side safety on the omega pistols).

You can see how the little piece of plastic fits between the shaft of the safety and the little metal pin on the back of it.  The spring is down in a hole in the shaft of the safety.  The click is from the pointed end of the plastic piece being moved up/down in reference to the metal pin when you move the safety from safe to fire and back.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2018, 05:16:20 AM by M1A4ME »
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

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Re: CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2018, 10:54:49 PM »
Both of mine have a very nice/positive click going from safe to fire and a slightly less loud click going from fire to safe.

Several people here have reported losing that little piece of plastic (not the spring so often, but the spring along won't make it work correctly) when removing the safety to do other work, or switching between decocker and safety..  That piece of plastic is behind/inside the left side safety.  You have to remove the left side safety to see it.

I don't think this is my picture (don't want to take credit for someone else's picture/work) but this is what it should look like (back side of the left side safety on the omega pistols).

You can see how the little piece of plastic fits between the shaft of the safety and the little metal pin on the back of it.  The spring is down in a hole in the shaft of the safety.  The click is from the pointed end of the plastic piece being moved up/down in reference to the metal pin when you move the safety from safe to fire and back.
Comes off easily. Mine did when I switched to decocker

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Re: CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2018, 01:47:36 AM »
Yep, I lost mine for my p09 when switching from decock to manual. I heard something bounce off the wall, and had to use google to figure out what I lost.


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Re: CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2018, 06:39:24 PM »
Excellent video here:

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Re: CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2018, 08:00:27 PM »
Perfect time to ditch the safety!  I know, no help at all.
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Re: CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2018, 08:11:52 PM »
Thanks for all the replies! They were extremely helpful. 

I did remove both safeties, on the RMR P01 (with a higher round count - around 10K) the detent and spring were both there and appeared to be functioning normally.  On the stock P01 (low-ish round count around 2K) the detent tab was missing but the spring was still in place.  Curiously, I cannot really tell the difference between the two safeties - they feel equally non-positive.  I am thinking that the RMR P01 detent has worn out or was damaged / deformed?  Has anyone had any experience with them wearing out / becoming damaged? 

I did order two replacement tabs - thanks for posting the link as CZ USA does not offer this part for sale. 

I will update when I get the replacements. 

Much appreciated,


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Re: CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2019, 10:32:09 PM »
Long overdue on this final update but I did install new safety detent tabs both P01 Omegas a few months back, and in both instances they were restored to a very positive and tactile feeling; both had a satisfying and reassuring click an both had no issues with the safety inadvertently sliding off.  Thanks again for all the feedback.

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Re: CZ P01 Omegas - "mushy" / non-positive safeties on two examples
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2019, 07:34:48 AM »
Glad you got them straight.

Feeling like you can depend on your pistol (rifle, shotgun, truck, etc.) is always a good feeling.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?