With all of the info I've gotten here, I've completely turned around and am now fairly sure I'll go with the SP-01T (if it feels equal to or better than the P-09 for me), but I'm probably going to eventually end up with both, like yourself. lol
The grip angles on both look pretty close to my FNX, which I love, because that one holds a bit like a 1911. Hopefully they have that kind of feel.
There's a really interesting thing about that recoil difference you brought up. Polymer is fairly malleable, so if the slide is front-heavy enough as to reduce muzzle flip, the recoil is gonna feel softer compared to steel when it pushes back into your hand. I notice this waaaaaaay more with any .45, probably because it tends to hammer straight back without much snap in any gun. I remember looking this up after noticing the same exact thing with a 1911 after getting used to my FN. It's really weird lol
As I said before, it?s a toss up. Both are fine guns and can serve you well. While I have more trigger time w/ my P09, I am glad I have the SP01T. I?ll be shooting it in a future IDPA season for sure.
One thing the SP01T enables is increasing or decreasing palm swell by swapping grips- P09s don?t. P09 only has the changeable back strap- which is helpful, but doesn?t help with palm swell.
Let us know what you get and your range session results. Good luck!
I'm almost looking at it as a 1911 vs FNX .45 situation, and that was the same story. Both feel great to me and I couldn't go wrong with either! (aside from the decock situation and capacity difference, which was the deal-breaker there for carry).
I'll be hitting the range early next month and will definitely report my experience back here. They definitely have the SP101 and P09 for rent, but I'll also give all of the other suggestions a try if available.
While I understand the thinking of "if you can do more, why not do it?" but the extra weight of a lot of extra rounds is noticeable as the day wears on.
With any decocker-equipped model, the CZs decock to the half-cock (safety notch) on the hammer. That shortens the trigger pull a bit, and while the hammer spring is still partially tensioned, the trigger pull itself is a bit lighter. Any of the CZs give you a second-strike capability.
I've always considered the first shot much more important than a lot of extra rounds, but that's my thinking. Given that, I like the first and subsequent shots to have the same trigger pull, so I, when I carry (which isn't all the time) a striker-fired gun or a DA/SA gun that allows cocked & locked carry.
You can carry a second magazine in a pouch on your off-hand side, and that will balance things out a bit, too. If you don't have the time to quickly reload after 15+ shots fired, you're probably already in much deeper do-do than you'll be able to cope with. (The Ellifritz study of actual civilian shootings shows us that darned few uses of lethal force in self-defense ever go much beyond 3-4 rounds fired.) Here's a link, if you haven't already heard of it or not read it: https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/alternate-look-handgun-stopping-power
I would love to buy a P-09, but in the meantime I'm quite happy with a P-07, and still adjusting to my P-10c, and have other options in the gun safe... including a G19-sized Glock 38 that I like a lot.
I probably just got used to it. Carried a 1911 in the beginning, ended up with an FNX and I barely notice it at all these days. I know it's just over 2lbs unloaded, probably closer to 3 with that 15+1 round mag in, 1911 is... 3lbs or so loaded?
Carried a Springfield XD9 Service model for a while, and a Taurus PT-111 compact for a couple of days early on and I didn't really feel any tangible relief with the noticeably reduced weight, but I'm probably just weird. lol
And I completely agree with you on the capacity statement; and have also looked into the Ellifritz studies. (That was actually a huge factor in opening me up to other caliber options. I'd love to see the 10mm stacked up on there to satiate my curiosity, because I love the versatility of that round.)
I guess I just like to check as many boxes as possible when I choose a handgun, and capacity:caliber is definitely high up on the ratio list.