First off, hats off to you for running a bolt in a semi show! I thought about it but was sure I would get laughed out of town. I'm looking to get into 3 gun this year and will most likely go heavy metal (870, 1911, garand) because I like the old stuff.
Before you decide on trimmers, I would take a serious look at the Lee quick trim setup. That is what I use exclusively. They are cheap, trim champher and deburr all in one step, and you can use them with a cordless drill which will speed things up tremendously. Also note that to trim a different caliber, you ONLY need to buy the trim die holder, which is about 11$. They are made to work in a single stage, but can be worked into progressives.
As far as rifle reloading goes, trimming is the biggest PIA. I have a D650 and for rifle, I use a case prep head, and a load head, with checking trim length in between.
My process for M1 carb:
15 min hot wash wet tumble with HOT water and dish soap - then dry for days or back in the oven(if needed right then)
Spray lube and dry 10 mins
Case prep head: size/deprime, trim/champher/deburr
Another round of hot wash and dry
inspect and confirm no long cases
Load head: prime, powder drop, seat bullet, crimp
I just got first AR and still a bit new to 223. I'm still confirming a load, but about to buy the conversion kit for 223 for the D650 (currently all single stage loading). I use H335 that meters well. Stick powders often don't work well in powder drops, and if you are on a progressive I would keep that in mind. Varget might be more accurate, but only if you confirm each drop on a scale by hand, which really hinders the progressive setup.
I have also heard about the bobs bullets, but haven't tried them yet. Johnnys reloading bench on YT has some great vids on them. I also wont buy flat based bullets just because the BTs are so much easier to load.