I just got it today, there's something interesting in the DA/SA design that I'm curious about.
According to the manual you can have it fully cocked with safety on or fully release the hammer and also according to the manual this is "safe for all normal handling".
I get that if you fully lower the hammer, and the double action weight to pull on that is a beezy. However, there's also a second "spot" if you will, I'd say about 1/3 of the way from the fully decocked position, where the hammer can catch.
Pulling trigger from that point is easier. However the hammer isn't fully decocked so I guess if it slipped or failed or perhaps dropped it'd go off.
Is this 1/3 point meant to be used for any purpose? Is there a mechanical reason it catches there? Does resting the hammer there harm it? Does resting it there remove both safeties (cant raise thumb safety, hammer can still "drop" onto firing pin)? I don't want to either damage the gun or get into an unsafe practice.