Author Topic: P-07 what to do next CGW goodies..  (Read 824 times)

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Offline Edward_Teach

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P-07 what to do next CGW goodies..
« on: March 17, 2019, 03:01:52 PM »
So I recently switched back to carrying my RMR'd P-07 about two weeks after getting my G19 milled for an RMR (was carrying just the G19 or a chopped G17 with irons). As nice as the glock is for carrying and I shoot it well, i keep coming back to my CZ (and i say the same thing in reverse when I switch back to my glock).

So with all that pointless rambling out of the way on back to the P-07 and what to add next from CGW.

I started piecing together the CGW as pro-kit myself when I was carrying the CZ last, and at this point I currently have

The internals kinda polished
Reduced Power Trigger Return Spring
Self defense spring kit using the 18# spring.

And I most likely will be ordering the sear spring kit today (was hoping to just find the .018" spring vs buying the kit but they only seem to sell the .020" spring by itself)

So with all that being said as well.  All I really would have left is
the Short Reset kit,


The CGW hammer
(and the DA roller bearing, but I dont know where my calipers are so I'll have to wait on that)

Now with only a difference of a few bucks I am wondering which one will give me more bang for my buck right now.  Honestly the SA isnt terrible and yea the reset is kinda long but it feels pretty light and not much of a problem but want an overal best trigger I can get in both DA and SA
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Offline nick779

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Re: P-07 what to do next CGW goodies..
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2019, 07:12:57 AM »
I dont know of any cases off hand that were seriously affected by it, but ive heard from a few DGU lawyers that modifying your carry gun makes you harder to defend in court if you end up there.

Either way though:

If you dont mind the SA, I would do reach reduction but maybe add an extra MM or 2 on the reset instead of the bare minimum. Again, this is more a safety thing if this is a CCW. Youll still benefit from it.

The hammer will crispen up the SA action and reduce creep. The roller will make the DA smoother. (These two parts would make the overall trigger feel better)

Personally, just to save on shipping I would probably just do both if you can/want.

Offline DOC 1500

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Re: P-07 what to do next CGW goodies..
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2019, 09:13:47 AM »
OP ,  did you check the left side of the Hammer as to whether it's rubbing the frame? This can have a pretty good effect on the double action pull.
If it is rubbing, go to Gunsmithing section and click on Hammer rubbing left side of frame and follow instructions.
You mentioned that you " kind of polished the internals". ???
On my PO 7 and po9 I polished all metal-to-metal contact points, including pins and the inside of each component that the pin goes through.
I went with 15 pound Hammer Springs,  that will reduce the pull. I have had no safety issues at all.  my P09 w/rmr is my EDC.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 09:22:00 AM by DOC 1500 »
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