Author Topic: Started carrying my 97B  (Read 2633 times)

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Online hammer_fired

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Started carrying my 97B
« on: April 16, 2019, 10:38:15 PM »
As soon as I ordered my 97B, I started looking for a holster.

I had a holster for my Hi-Power in the queue at TT Gunleather, so I checked their gun 97B. I took a chance and changed my order to a SP-01 thinking it might fit as it has a rail, and the 97B has a full length dust cover. Nope. No matter. I like the Slim XC and my SR1911 LWC fits in it just fine.

I was hoping to get a leather holster, but lead times are pretty long on most holsters (TT was only 3-weeks.) Then I saw an ad for Vedder holsters where said the had a 2-3 day turnaround, so I ordered a Light Tuck with the "claw". It was in the mail 2-days later!

Received it yesterday. Gave it a quick try around the house, and started carrying the 97B today.

Was a bit worried that it might be a bit too heavy, but it rides and carries well in the Light Tuck. It helps that I have some Perry Suspenders that I've been using for a few months. Makes a difference when carrying any of my pistols, including when pocket carrying the P938. You don't really need a gun belt when using these suspenders.

I did switch out the 97B to the LWC for a while when doing some yard work. The LWC is pretty nimble compared to the 97B, but both feel great in the hand, as does my BDM, which will remain in the carry rotation.

I'm still hoping that Tim comes up with a "blue gun" for the 97B so I can have him build me a Slim XC,  but for now, the 97B in the Light Tuck make a comfortable carry combo.

Offline adrian

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Re: Started carrying my 97B
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2019, 11:09:27 PM »
     Hiya and thx for your thread. Congrats on not having issues with the sheer weight and bulkiness of it,much less doing yard work as well. Be well.

Online hammer_fired

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Re: Started carrying my 97B
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2019, 01:16:25 PM »
I guess I made kind of a broad statement about not needing a gun belt when wearing suspenders. Using suspenders gives you some flexibility in which belt you can use with a particular pistol.

Having a good gun belt provides stability and support. The 97B is a heavy pistol and can use both. I'm currently using a Tucker Gunleather belt that is 1/4" thick. Plenty of stability and support with this one, so I could get by without the use of suspenders, but they do take a load off, making carrying this pistol more comfortable. I also have a Galco belt that is maybe 1/8" thick that probably wouldn't work very well with this pistol without the extra support provided by suspenders.

Probably should have put this up front: I'm 6', 185 lbs., so I don't otherwise need suspenders to keep my pants up.....

Also, I keep coming up with posts to work my way out of "newbie" status! Keeps reminding me of my first days in the 25th Div Replacement Company at Schofield Barracks in '77.

Offline .45 acp nut

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Re: Started carrying my 97B
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2019, 12:52:46 PM »
Try one of these Bigfoot belts (18oz.):
I really like both of mine, one black and one brown.
Sempr Fi!

Online hammer_fired

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Re: Started carrying my 97B
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2019, 08:15:25 PM »
Those look nice, and a great price!

Offline adrian

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Re: Started carrying my 97B
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2019, 08:50:17 PM »
     Hiya hammer_fired and thx for rechiming in. Well I've shrunk from my 6',and gotten well north of 185 since college, but to at least put on your radar,as I don't know the temps you live in,or clothing options,but high noon makes a great shoulder holster,breathable material,non staining ,even if soaked,and the ammo pouches give a good counter balance.
    I'm not quite sure when your newbie status ends,but do know you can go visit the say hello to new members,and somewhere between today and 2008 and won't be a newbie anymore. Cheers,be well.

Online hammer_fired

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Re: Started carrying my 97B
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2019, 11:06:06 AM »

I have an El Paso Saddlery 1942 Tanker that I was hoping would work with the 97B, but no joy. I would buy one specifically for the 97B, but they don't have it on their gun list.

I like the Tanker because it carries at about 10:30, so it's not under my arm, and doesn't get in the way of my binos (I mostly use it when hunting.)

I'm thinking about making my own tanker that uses the Vedder holster. I just need to come up with the right backing, and then add a 1 1/2" wide strap across it so the Vedder can be clipped onto it.


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Re: Started carrying my 97B
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2019, 06:43:10 AM »
I concur with the Big Foot gun belt.  I have two with and without steel.  A top line belt at a great price.  Waite and catch their free shipping deal.