Author Topic: Cerakote frame. Stipple before or after?  (Read 6999 times)

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Offline Yankchef

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Cerakote frame. Stipple before or after?
« on: March 23, 2019, 12:01:35 PM »
I have a p10c I'm turning into a custom project and just as the title implies, I am contemplating getting the slide and frame cerakoted (od green if anyone cares). So stipple the grip before or after the cerakote? It seems perhaps the cerakote may take away from the aggressiveness of the stipple I have seen a lot of pictures of custom pistols where the stipple was done after, some before so anyway does anyone have insight on this?

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Re: Cerakote frame. Stipple before or after?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2019, 05:40:55 PM »
do you want the two tone look?

If yes stipple after cerkote

Do you want to have a single color pistol?

If yes stipple before cerakote.

I've done pistols in both fashions, i never really noticed a difference in texture of cerakote 1st or second. But, i usually go with a very aggressive texturing for most of my grips.

Offline Yankchef

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Re: Cerakote frame. Stipple before or after?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2019, 01:03:24 AM »
Yea i go aggressive too I really don't understand people saying the stock p10 texture is too aggressive. I think it needs more texture up towards the slide kind of like the fn 509 has but more aggressive. I could live with it how it is but I need to install a trigger, mag release and get the slide coated anyway so I figured might as well get my guy doing the work to stipple, the finger rests on the frame don't have much grip to them either

But really I wanted to know if the coating would affect the texture and from what you're saying it won't so thanks

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Offline rbuzz00

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Re: Cerakote frame. Stipple before or after?
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2019, 10:06:54 AM »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but to me it seems that if you want a single color frame you would stipple the frame and then Cerakote the entire frame whatever color you choose, in your case OD green.  Using a black frame as an example, if you stipple it first then the entire frame would be black until you Cerakote it OD green.

If you want a two tone frame, then stipple the entire frame but have only the portion of the frame that you want OD green Cerakoted.

It seems to me that if you Cerakote the entire frame OD green and then have it stippled, you will be burning off the Cerakote which will result in a OD green frame with black handgrips. Plus doing the stippling after the frame is Cerakoted would open you up to possibly damaging the Cerakote finish that  you just had applied.

If you need any examples to look at check out Danger Close Armament, they do some fantastic work.

Offline Yankchef

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Re: Cerakote frame. Stipple before or after?
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2019, 10:10:32 AM »
They do fantastic work but their frame work and cerakote is going to be almost as much as my whole build will be minus optic lol.

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Offline rbuzz00

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Re: Cerakote frame. Stipple before or after?
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2019, 10:21:30 AM »
I agree. I had wanted to have my CZ P-10C stippled by them but decided against it. They do fantastic work, but I could almost buy another gun for the price of their stippling.

I'm new to stippling, but check out this video from someone who decided to stipple his already Cerakoted frame. It might help you make up your mind.


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Re: Cerakote frame. Stipple before or after?
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2019, 08:02:54 PM »
Yea i go aggressive too I really don't understand people saying the stock p10 texture is too aggressive. I think it needs more texture up towards the slide kind of like the fn 509 has but more aggressive. I could live with it how it is but I need to install a trigger, mag release and get the slide coated anyway so I figured might as well get my guy doing the work to stipple, the finger rests on the frame don't have much grip to them either

But really I wanted to know if the coating would affect the texture and from what you're saying it won't so thanks

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compared to a lot of the stock textures it is more aggresive. im practicing a pattern i want to try on the p10f that i got