Hiya CustomShadow and thanks for the thread. And wish ya luck on the road to competition shooting. As an operator noted its really decided by the folks involved. A good deal is always a state of mind. But what you have going is not paying full retail on a new one. The seller has a selling price,that may be the starting and the ending point. But somewhere between a dollar and 2000 the two shall meet.
Generally speaking when I've sold a gun I bought new,kiss goodbye the investment of any mods made. And begin with a 30-40 discount on what a new one costs. i.e. 1500 new, a good deal is 1000. If buying private check SS best ya can for being stolen, plus if original box,test target,receipt,match SS on slide and frame etc. If they will let you shoot a few mags? Conduct your business,where its impossible to be robbed or worse. And let us know how it went. Be well.