Put 215 Rounds through it today at the range.
Had 2 stovepipes, which I kinda expected during the suggested 300 round break-in period.
- One was at about 50 rounds (Winchester white box).
- Had another at 200rds and it was my 124gr +P HST carry ammo.
- Both were on the first round in the mag.
I still have another ~100 rounds of "break in" to do with this barrel, so I'm not too worried about the stovepipes.
The gun did fully load a new round when it stovepiped. If that issue persists past 300 rounds I may look into alternate weights for recoil springs. I did have a TON of lube on it when I was running these rounds since it's breaking in, so that may have contributed to the issues.
Impressions: Quality of the barrel seems great. I saw expected wear on the TiN finish at friction spots, but no dimpling, scratching, etc, of the barrel metal itself. It fits in the slide like a glove. The lockup is SO much more solid than the OEM barrel. When I took slow, accurate shots, they landed right where I'd expect them to.