Author Topic: My Baby (P-10 C) got a new Primary Machine barrel today  (Read 1119 times)

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My Baby (P-10 C) got a new Primary Machine barrel today
« on: April 20, 2019, 04:25:20 PM »
Put 215 Rounds through it today at the range.

Had 2 stovepipes, which I kinda expected during the suggested 300 round break-in period.
  • One was at about 50 rounds (Winchester white box).
  • Had another at 200rds and it was my 124gr +P HST carry ammo.
  • Both were on the first round in the mag.

I still have another ~100 rounds of "break in" to do with this barrel, so I'm not too worried about the stovepipes.

The gun did fully load a new round when it stovepiped. If that issue persists past 300 rounds I may look into alternate weights for recoil springs. I did have a TON of lube on it when I was running these rounds since it's breaking in, so that may have contributed to the issues.

Impressions: Quality of the barrel seems great. I saw expected wear on the TiN finish at friction spots, but no dimpling, scratching, etc, of the barrel metal itself. It fits in the slide like a glove. The lockup is SO much more solid than the OEM barrel. When I took slow, accurate shots, they landed right where I'd expect them to.

Offline StuckonGlocks21

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Re: My Baby (P-10 C) got a new Primary Machine barrel today
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2019, 05:40:09 PM »
Congrats. You have an excellent barrel. I have the black version. I had fired my P10C many times before buying the PM barrel, so I think the recoil spring had weakened a bit. I also left my slide locked back when I put it away in the safe to let the spring weaken a bit more. Now it will reliably function all rounds, even light hand loads. I?m looking forward to buying one for my F model if and when they become available.

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Re: My Baby (P-10 C) got a new Primary Machine barrel today
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2019, 06:43:11 PM »
I?ll try leaving it locked back between now and my next range time. I?ll grab one of the Primary Machine guide rods & springs next time they have them in stock too, just for hoots...

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: My Baby (P-10 C) got a new Primary Machine barrel today
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2019, 10:07:47 PM »
Great barrel, worth every penny. Mine cut group size by half at 25yds. Somehow I still miss a few times per match, but now I can't blame the gun.

Offline Raining_Brass

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Re: My Baby (P-10 C) got a new Primary Machine barrel today
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2019, 11:34:30 PM »
I?m looking forward to buying one for my F model if and when they become available.
We plan to start F barrels after summer. So they are happening. Just a matter of if that estimated time proves to be correct. Lol


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Re: My Baby (P-10 C) got a new Primary Machine barrel today
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2019, 07:50:12 PM »
Took it out again today and put another 116 rounds through it. The 16 was 15+1 of my carry rounds. No more stove pipes.

I also took the advice to leave it locked back for several days, and the ejection pattern is very consistently rightward now, and it never was before, even on the old barrel. I would usually take a casing or two in the forehead or top of my head per magazine before, and it seems like compressing that recoil spring a hair took that tendency away. Gonna keep it stored that way until my new holster arrives next week or the week after and then call it good.