Yesterday I picked up a P-10s, brought it home and cleaned it. I then started to compare it to a RAMI and a P-10c. My opinions and observations are below.
Rami vs P-10s
1) magwell is the same length and I wish there was an extended mag so that I could get my pinkie finger on. A 15 round mag with an adapter like the 9 round RAMI magazines come with would be perfect.
2) P-10s is about 1/4 inch longer end to end, but if you line up the mag wells, the P-10s is about 5/8" longer at the muzzles and the RAMI is 3/8 inches longer at the beaver tail.
3) The standard magazines are very close to the same length.
4) The P10s has a much larger trigger guard.
5) P-10s has a much longer sight radius, a little more than an inch longer.
6) The P-10s' grip is 0.10 inches narrower than the RAMI.
P-10c late 1st or early 2nd Gen vs P-10s
1) mag releases are TRUE ambidextrous vs selectable. Personal preference is the TRUE ambidextrous. Next time I want a TRUE ambidextrous mag release, I'll look at H&K.
2) The P-10c will allow a mag to lock in when a full mag is dropped into the mag well. The P-10s needs to be pushed into place. No big deal, its the way the new mag releases work.
3) trigger pull and feel is virtually identical, in fact the P-10s has a better feeling trigger than the P-10c did when it was new.
4) Fit and finish, both are equal.
5) Accuracy, it's going to rain until Sunday and then all of next week. Once the sun comes out I'll get to the range with both of the P-10's.
That's pretty much my observations and comparisons. Life everyone else, I'd complain if they hung me with a new rope, so take all of this with a grain of salt.
Plans for both of the P-10 pistols, Put either a DPP of a Vortex on the "S" and get a "C" spare slide, I got from CZC, milled for the same plates and put optics on both. I went to a Steel Challenge on Tuesday and I think I'm hooked. The next challenge is supposed to be a two gun rimfire. That should be fun.