With the cold temps and a fairly demanding training class coming up next week, I've been really trying to focus on structured drills, isolating and working on specific skills. High quality, low quantity.
Today's session started with some DA-only 5x5s and then DA > SA 5x5s.
Then I went into a drill that I've adapted from several others out there - I call it the "2-3-4 Drill:"
? Start with three targets at three different distances - I usually put one at about 4 yards, one at 7 yards and one at 10 (ish)
? Load three magazines; one with 2 rounds, one with 3 and one with 4.
? Mix them up so you don't know which is which, load one in the pistol and the other two in your mag pouch.
? Using a shot timer, fire three shots into each target starting with the closest and working your way out. Because my range allows it, I start the draw from the holster, but you can also start at low ready.
A good time is under 12-15 sec. with all shots inside the defined target. Since you don't know when you're going to run dry, this is a great way to work on efficient and fluid reloads and it guarantees two reloads per 9 rounds. Also good for working on target transitions to different distances.