Hiya and thx for your thread 007. Think I recall you recently traded a sweet revolver for your cz83 and glad to hear you are liking it enough to take on the night sight project. I kept it as a backup to shotgun and 9mm,but after a little trigger tuning, a treat to shoot,most reliable. I love projects but where it sat in the batting order,left it as a get off me gun at best.So what about the factory set up lead you to have to entertain the thought? Any eyesight issues? See anything in the forums old posts that tripped your trigger? Well ya might give Cajun gun works a call as I believe they may have a dawson precision tritium that may work, and can holler at czc as I believe they still carry the trijicon product line. My experiment of trying a trijicon front on a p-02 failed and I had to have em swap back the factory blade, and had another smith machine a groove across the top of it,and functioned perfect as a night'low light level sight. And hope you haven't ruled out fiber optic tech that is on the market today. Those places can also estimate the cost of instal as well, my guess some milling to the rear sight would be needed. And since the cost of a sight pusher is more than the sight, rules out being a good do it yourself project. Let us know how the process is progressing. With pics if ya don't mind. Be well.