Painter, thanks for the direction to look at the stickies. Huge amount of information. Lots of good posts from Wobbly with diagrams and graphs. Great explanation for use of VV powders in 9mm (wish I had some VV N330 & N340). So Mission Analysis is done time to select my course of action. Will go both directions at once after the match. Send the TS Barrel and have it reamed, then develop loads just for that firearm for this type of match. While the barrel is out for a couple of weeks I will try some small experiments with my Tanfolio which has a slightly longer throat than the TS and see if reducing the charge and OAL can get me to Nirvana, (147 gr XTP OR Berry's HP to 1150 fps). Cost is only $30 plus shipping and it greatly enhances the possibility of reaching my goal. Also having a throat tailored for a load is great way to obtain greater accuracy. They do it in precision rifle all the time. Granted I only need to hit a 1 inch target at 10 yds which frankly is not that hard for pistols as well made as any of my CZs in this case I just have to hit it really hard.
Will post results when accomplished. Sadly I am on the road for work for the next couple of weeks, so it may take a bit to see another post from me.
Thanks one and all. JW