Took my CZ 75 Compact and P-01 to the range today and compared them side by side. Both have similar upgrades, such as lighter springs, CZ 85 trigger, floating trigger pin, as well as polished internals. DA and SA pulls are almost identical: DA - 7.6#, SA 3#.
The differences are P-01 has a full dust cover with rail
P-01 has front and back serrations on the slide
P-01 has a decocking lever (safety on the Compact)
P-01 has a longer slide stop
P-01's front and back straps are grooved
P-01's magazine release extends towards the grip
P-01's inside trigger guard is shaped differently (not sure what purpose or advantage that offers)
CZ 75 Compact has a steel frame (P-01 has an alloy frame, except SKU: 99021 and 99041)
CZ 75 Compact has plastic grips (P-01 has rubber grips)
For the safety model, the sear cage is held by the safety
For the decocking model, the sear cage is held by the sear pin through the frame
Both pistols are accurate and fun to shoot. If I have to pick one, I will pick the Compact simple because I like all-steel guns. For EDC, the P-01 is probably a better choice. Luckily, I have both