Took some Monarch and Hornady Critical Defense to test it out this morning. I have two OEM mags and one aftermarket mag.
One whole mag of Hornady and two of Monarch. Here is the result at 7 yards.

Next I put on the heavy motorcycle gloves and did head shots a bit to get the feel.
Here are two mags Monarch at 15 yards gloved. Aiming for the 8. Looks like I?m tending left when gloved.

Notes -
Monarch is dirty and has a lot of unpleasant fumes. No more Monarch at indoor ranges.
This gun is best used gloved. It hurts the hand going 3 mags ungloved. Good thing I bought it for use with heavy gloves being the point.
One fail to return to battery with the aftermarket mag when gloved using Monarch. Slingshot and move along.
I?m very satisfied and have now designated this my new OC when riding.
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