« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2019, 10:26:56 AM »
Regarding war time pistols, the book 'Know your Czechoslovakian Pistols' has this to say about the CZ 27: "The only two major variations are very rare models, made in caliber .22 long rifle and a variation made to use the silencer."
Post war, the book "Czech Firearms and ammunition" mentions a CZ 448 semi-auto pistol in 5.6mm(.22). There are other Czech made .22 pistols that are single shot target types, the Drulov being one.
Hope this helps.

CZ22, CZ24, CZ27, CZ36, CZ38, CZ45, CZ46, CZ50, CZ52, CZ70, CZ75, CZ82, CZ83, CZ85, Drulov M70, DUO, Grand .38 Sp, Mars, Z, M1922, Praga, Praha, Slavia, Little Tom, VZ24, VZ33, VZ52, VZ52/57, VZ527, VZ54, VZ58, VZ98/22, ZKM451, ZKM455S