Author Topic: Gun oil or grease or whatever? New gun owner needs advice.  (Read 6345 times)

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Offline jurek

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Re: Gun oil or grease or whatever? New gun owner needs advice.
« Reply #30 on: November 14, 2019, 06:03:59 AM »
Some guns are tolerant to overlubrication :)
Most of good guns (over $600) can do this. They can survive and perfectly shoot overlubricated, wet, mudded or completely dry (no lube at all).
The question is how long ...  8)

Offline Rigidman

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Re: Gun oil or grease or whatever? New gun owner needs advice.
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2019, 04:34:55 PM »
I grew up with Hoppes #9 too. But when I joined the Army they gave me break free. It's a clp. I've never left the break free on the weapon. I actually bought some Hoppes at the PX. So I used the break free on heavy carbon or dirt. Used Hoppes on the rest. Then oiled with Hoppes. The break free seemed to work faster on the carbon and lead. The Hoppes would work too just need to let it set for a while. I've also used 3 in 1. Forgot about it till reading this post.

Is the Mobil 1 you're using synthetic or petroleum? Petroleum can turn gummy over time. Like some clps. I know it takes awhile but couldn't say, never left a weapon set that long. I can understand using synthetic. Lots of people do that now. But motor oil viscosity breaks down over time. The reason for oil changes. So you loose lubrication. But on a gun it'd probably take some time before viscosity became an issue. Maybe 3000 rounds.  LOL!!

Anyway, buy or get samples of gun products. If you go to there website let it gen know you'd like to try their product they may send you a sample or at the very least a coupon. If you get something that just sucks, don't hesitate to contact the company  for a refund. Many have warranties or guarantees. I

Try everything till you're happy. Till the weapon works or feels right to you. Some people don't like certain smells. Others don't like how some cleaners/oils feel on their skin. Heck you may even be allergic to some or they irritate your skin.

Motor oil and diesel fuel turn my hands blood red. They itch like crazy. It's from working on diesels while in the Army.

Offline Rcher

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Re: Gun oil or grease or whatever? New gun owner needs advice.
« Reply #32 on: November 21, 2019, 07:28:30 PM »
I bought RIG grease recently. I like it more than Hoppes white grease.
Very good for exterior protection and for rails lubrication.

Offline Rigidman

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Re: Gun oil or grease or whatever? New gun owner needs advice.
« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2019, 10:27:25 PM »
I was looking around, got curious if break free was solvent based, it is. Found out it's possibly a mix of Mobil 1, canola, and naphthalene. They have this stuff called LP. Lube and protect. Also discovered that some people are using bearing grease on their weapons. Grease on things that slide, oil on things that rotate. So they say. But not bad idea. Need to see if Hoppes is solvent based. The cleaner I'm not really that concerned, or with the clp, I wipe it off before oiling my weapons. I only use it to clean, not lubricate. Same with bf clp. But the L.P. Stuff sounds interesting. Will have to try it. Marvels Mystery Oil may be a good choice for a lube. Almost forgot about it. My dad used it in the motor oil, trans, and gastank. Probably what was on the rag he wrapped his revolver in. I haven't found a grease yet. Haven't thought about it. But now I'm going to look into it.

Speaking of grease, wouldn't white lithium be good? Just on the slide or carrier group. Never heard anything good or bad about it. White lithium supposed to be high heat and friction lube. Not sure how it acts when heated if it'll run through everything and be a pain to clean out.

Bearing grease is also high heat and friction. I know it runs a little, if anyone ever changed a wheel bearing will know. Then there's differential oil or grease. It's very thick. I've heard it called both. When I was an envelope machine adjusted we used gear oil and gear grease. Not sure of the brand. We had a 30gal barrel of the stuff and the name was worn off. Some adjusters used it as bearing grease. The best grease we used as bearing grease as well. That's what it looked like. Brown bearing grease. We all kept a container of to mark stuff, grease stuff, especially the stuff where the gum could run. Just to make it easier to clean. But you had to keep it away from the belts. It take 3-5 shifts to clean the belts to prevent tracking. Or the chains. Over the quartz heaters. Before I got there they stayed in while the machine ran. I asked why, then why can't we put in a switch to turn them off. It'd stop the tires from the solvent we used to clean the chains. Can't remember it's name either, but it burned almost like alcohol. You didn't know it was burning til it got hot or the paper caught fire. I learned to put some uncut paper around so if the fire started I'd see it before I got burned.

Offline Moe Mentum

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Re: Gun oil or grease or whatever? New gun owner needs advice.
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2019, 07:08:32 PM »
Confused yet ?    You will get a thousand different answers,  everybody has their favorite way of cleaning /lubing their gun.   So, here's my 2 cents.  I use CLP, and have been happy for the last 40 years,  no failures of major problems as of yet.....  Just choose a good product, and there are a million of them out there,  and  draw your own conclusions....and yes,  I have tried them all, but always come back to CLP.  Good Luck with your new gun !

Offline Togmaster

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Re: Gun oil or grease or whatever? New gun owner needs advice.
« Reply #35 on: December 06, 2019, 12:46:29 PM »
Balistol to clean and Mobile 1 to lube.
Let's go Brandon!